710 Cap ?

Vandalizing his own Jeep seems a bit extreme even for middle eastern standards for settling differences. A suicide vest would have been much more appropriate and acceptable.

Jungle Pam stared this girl 'n car stuff. She's still the best.

The answer to your QOTD is right there in the article's photo. You see, you sell everything you own that doesn't fit in the racecar hauler and the little lady will be FORCED to join in the fun. Living in the hauler on the road and at race places can be fun..........if she doesn't divorce you.

Just so you know, Obama bought GM, not the other way around.

Free Harley ......and it glows in the dark!

Extinction is a normal process in nature and man should not interfere in deciding which species are to continue.........especially on the taxpayers dime. Damn treehuggin sons-of-bitches.

BIG DEAL! I got 32" Rimz on my brand new Camaro! I don't know why......but I got 'em!

It's amazing some of the stunts Travis has done, but after he jumped out of an airplane WITHOUT a parachute and survived, all the rest are just kid-stuff hoonin' around.


Wow! Vaginal shaving and "Birthers" all mentioned on the same day on Jalopnik. I quit Gawker over much less than this! Back to the cars.....errr, maybe bars boys!

Obama has never released a birth certificate. He only produced a copy. The copy he claimed was real was shown to be tainted and filled with inaccuracies. The hospital where he was born also has never released his original Birth Certificate or even a copy. They are not allowed to because Obama sealed his records by

How much for this car? I just wanna know how much I can't afford it, but just in case I hit the Lotto or granny dies...........

GM (Government Motors) has now perfected the abandoned car thing with the new Chevy Volt. They got the public to finance an expensive POS that doesn't work and no one wants. BRILLIANT!

Although he wasn't a pro racer, I always liked Paul Newman. I never met him, but he seemed a humble and generous man on and off the track and his acting wasn't too shabby either.

I nominate the dick(s) that run the NHRA, a supposed 'non-profit' organization, who draw (suck) exorbitant salaries and then stick it to the 'little guy' racers and fans while collectively sucking the corporate dicks of safety equipment manufactures of America whom in turn make safety equipment so perishable that that

This is an outrage! Here in San Diego the CHP like to rape, murder then throw the bodies off of a bridge. They then dedicate the bridge in the victim's memory! That's the proper way to phuck the public. Google 'Cara Knott' if you don't believe.

"Not enough downforce on the front end, Steve........" said Don Prudhomme. a fuckin classic!