Being a relative Nube to Jalopnik, I didn't know what I was missing. Welcome back Spicoli.
Being a relative Nube to Jalopnik, I didn't know what I was missing. Welcome back Spicoli.
A thinly veiled conspiracy by manufacturers to sell more tires and wheels, I say.
What next, calling for the Stig to retire?
After Tommy Lee, Pammy WOULD require a whale penis.........the whole penis.
Fuckin' Commies! Whodathunkit?
Bill should get a trophy for just having the balls to go into Mexico while a violent Civil-Drug war is raging and people are being murdered.
Did you even bother read any of these rags? I did, as I subscribe to all of those titles. You folks at Jalopnik took an offensive stance to magazines that are merely trying to point out that the all mighty gubmint is taking away our automotive freedom(s) bit by bit. If you think not, you are not in touch with the…
Gotta a 710 cap for my McLaren?
Were it not for the lowly VW, a whole industry of off-roading, sand buggies and even Baja racing would have be severely retarded. Just like the author of this article. VW's were, and are economical, basic transportation in a format that was genius for the resources and accomplishments the lowly Bug achieved. The 710…
The Ruskies obviously don't have a Kash 4 Klunkanauts Programski.
I'm assuming it comes with a Z-rated 710 Cap too.
The 710 Cap is all wrong. It's a fake.
Finally, an exhibition of wall graffiti I can relate to!
An "Idiot" light on the dash....brilliant!
He shoulda got a 710 Cap Tat!
I guess the "Steve Irwin Terminator" just doesn't have the same curb appeal as the "Stringray" brand.
Jeeps with cracking manifolds are just MOPAR's way of telling owners that your time to install headers is NOW!
This is enough to make Jimmy Hoffa roll over in his grave, oops, roll over in Giants stadium, oops, or wherever his remains are.
A plane crashed the other day in Alaska killing several innocent people and one crooked politician. The gov't should ban all airplanes.
Is that his air bag deployed on the steering wheel? Nice touch!