
I have friends whose church sponsors a local mission trip every year here in the United States. The mission is often about being a service to others, rarely is it about witnessing or trying to convert a non-Christian population. This year, they drove to Colorado and helped communities physically dig out from the

Okay , I know I'm gonna get a lot of flack for this but all the comments in this thread are incredibly judgmental. As a teacher, I've had many students work both in the US and overseas in mission work. I've also had many nieces and nephews work overseas. Whenever these groups go overseas, it's been in conjunction

I though about the Data Ghosts in "The Silence in the Library", too.

Most colleges and universities have designed support structures for their special needs students; they provide the same accommodations and supports that high schools do. Frankly, many of them do a better job since they are only providing services to highly- motivated SE students. LOVE THIS! Mel tests every recipe on her family, tries to use ingredients that easily found everywhere, avoids processed foods and high fructose corn syrup while keeping in mind that many of us work and need good, healthy, quick meals fairly often.

I was expecting a baby girl shortly after Hurricane Katrina. I teach 8th grade in a school with many ESL students and was constantly getting suggestions for baby names. I still have the piece of paper suggesting "Marina, Latrina, Katrina". Oh, and I had a student who wrote her name as "La-a" although her legal

My daughter had a slumber party for her 10th birthday over the weekend. I'm astounded by the passive- aggressive bitchiness I witnessed by these 9 year old girls. While eating dinner, some girls wanted to go outside while others were still eating. When informed they had to wait for everyone, several started making

in his writings, he says that he decided to kill his roommates so he could use his apartment to torture victims without disruption.

Too bad you're not in Michigan - tomato basil soup is cooling in the fridge. Get some Vernor's and feel better soon.

I hate buying Mother's Day cards. I love my mom. However, she made a lot of choices that made my childhood difficult at best and outright hell at times, I'm glad her fourth husband is nice and stable and likely unaware of many of the details of her past. But I can't bring myself to buy one of those cards that says

1) Avoid shows like "Dateline", "Nancy Grace"etc - forced to watch an episode shortly after coming home with Baby Girl 1 - trapped under sleeping baby without remote - still have nightmares about the awful, awful things recreated for that show.

At our house, it's Superhero Saturday! A double feature of "Superbuddies" and an episode of "Wonder Woman".

I volunteer to be a test subject if someone MUST do additional bacon research.

Love, love, love Paprika! I cook more often, waste less time and money, we even eat out less often since the pantry is always stocked and cooking is so much less of a hassle. Recipes are easy to import, adapt and even to add family recipes manually. Grocery shopping is mor convenient and it's easy to eliminate items

I agree - There's is no way that we could survive without our microwave. Our youngest daughter is autistic and eats chicken nuggets 4-5 times a day. We're trying to help her connect language to meaning by meeting her requests as quickly as possible. (Don't panic - her doctors say it's ok! Her other major food group is

I suspect that these posters are relatively young and haven't had much life experience yet.