
Well thank you! Although I haven't bought a model yet... :( I'm holding out for the '15. I've got a premium GT with my name on it. If you go on the forums you'll see that '14s take minimal haggling to get those kinds of discounts. It looks like dealerships are trying to clean their inventory for the new model, which

"if you take the huge discounts Chevy and Dodge offers..."

I still love the MkVI, but ever since I've seen the MkVII, it just looks like it has too much baby fat.

Uh oh... guys, we have an understeer lover here.

Oh god. Guys... We have AB understeer lover here.

Subjective, and I disagree.

Oh man, you're speaking my language. It's nice to see another design enthusiast on here! Couldn't agree more with what you just said.

I disagree. The all-black faux diffuser look is pretty dated at this point. I can tell that you know these things are hardly functional given your quotes, so they should focus on making it a stylistic accessory.

The lines on this are actually genius. There's a great sense of balance and athleticism while straying from the typical formula. I like the idea of implied flow between the character lines and body surfaces. The hood sculpting is absolutely brilliant and probably my favorite part; essentially six converging lines that

Strong troll job.

Plot twist: I wouldn't waste my breath trying to justify my purchase to someone else. I'll be smiling as I lap the track until the tank runs dry.

It seems like these partitioned brake ducts are becoming a new RS design cue. I'm digging them as well.

It supposedly weighs around 3,400 lbs. That's light for a car in this class.

That's what I've been trying to tell people all the time. It's actually logical when you look at it from a non-biased viewpoint. To add to your points, the GranCoupe (GC) models might sport four doors on an even-numbered model, which gives the armchair crowd something to cry foul over, but they're supposed to be the

He seems like a really nice guy, but good lord that intro is terrible. I've always been irked by the way he moves and bounces around whenever he does video selfies.

i8. The R8's great and all, but damn is it one hell of a boring choice, relatively speaking.

I think I remember Bungie doing something similar to this. Didn't they openly publish the complaint messages from cheaters to their site?

There's no way that Camaro's diffuser is functional to any useful extent. A functional diffuser usually starts at some point well beneath the undertray with (like you said) pronounced fins to clean up the airflow. Most OEM cars equipped with faux diffusers tend to have fins that primarily reside on the posterior