
It is also not uncommon to find them for even less, brand new, from sellers on ebay.

It is also not uncommon to find them for even less, brand new, from sellers on ebay.

*Insert obligatory “GIVE ME HALF LIFE 3 PLEASE”*

Those things don't leave my head 8 hours a day while working. Best $85 I've ever spent.

Those things don't leave my head 8 hours a day while working. Best $85 I've ever spent.

One of my all-time favorite games. The puzzles were WAY above my sister and I at the time when we played, so we found a walkthrough online. Now, this was an ordeal...getting through a puzzle and then exiting out of the game and getting online (dial-up) to write down the answers to the next puzzle. It was an


Now playing

Incredible play for sure, but the implications of it hold no candle to this play. I posted a fan’s perspective just for the joy of hearing Heinz Field erupt.

The Magic Mouse. DUH!

The Magic Mouse. DUH!

While the Jedi Outcast story is sad, I'm sure that Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight ran great! :) That is still the best Star Wars game yet.

I actually recently got WCIII and IV running through dosbox via parallels. It's unfortunate that my MBP doesn't have a game port :)

How was Wing Commander IV a "bloody mess"? From a gameplay standpoint it is almost an identical game to III. Are you talking about the story?

I miss my Sidewinder Precision Pro. Growing up, I played the Kilrathi Saga, Wing Commander IV and Prophecy over and over again. And X-Wing and Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance. The good ol' days.

But Freelancer was keyboard and mouse only.

Also, while minimal, you can give some more juice back to your GPU by changing the genie minimizing effect in the Dock preferences to just "Scale". On every new Mac, I always disabled the genie effect and dashboard (now you can turn it off in system pref as mentioned above).

One thing to note with Mac to Mac AirDrop: On my 2013 iMac it seems that I have to "Search" for my 2011 MBP each time to AirDrop...which is annoying.

Paste this in Terminal: defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES && killall Dock