
“...most of the main characters in the Great Gatsby....”

Can you please save this and copy/paste it on every single mommy wars article from here to eternity. Just hang around Huffington Post for a few days, you’re guaranteed to find an article from a SAH mom bashing working moms or vice versa.

Different browser!

Did not enjoy Lamb (just didn’t like the writing) but The Stupidest Angel and Bloodsucking Fiends are favorites

AND, Rule #3: no matter how many times someone tells you that they are safe with their guns, YOU are ultimately responsible for your own safety and the safety of your dependents when around “safe” people with guns. I disparage no one, but even the best trained, most safety-conscious owners can slip, skirt or otherwise

Came here to say this. You did a better job than I would have. Thank you.

Exactly. I grew up out in the country with guns (home protection was less about invasions and more about rattlesnakes and such), and it was drilled into us that guns are never toys. Ever. Once I was old enough to learn how to shoot, the next rule was to never point the gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot. Ever.

These are AMAZING.

In middle school, my best friend let me read her fanfic, so I wrote a note as if it were the main character of her fanfic and left that plus a bouquet of roses on her front porch at 6am. so... *high five* dorky pranks forever!

Feel free to “prank” me with fresh baked cookies anytime.

I’m loathe to defend anything about these people, but — 6 weeks is 42 days. So it’s in line with the general medical guideline.

There was a store in my home town that sold pipes, wiccan things, candles, lava lamps, hippy/witchy clothing, tarot carts, etc.

It sounds like your suicide theory may be correct. I heard he was armed with just a pellet gun and had constructed a rucksack to look like a bomb, but there were no explosives.

Gotcha. This makes complete and total sense.

Can’t stand these singles, but what you describe is exactly how I feel about Kraft macaroni and cheese. It doesn’t matter that the golden powder cannot possibly be classified as cheese. When I want macaroni and cheese, I will take Kraft over any gourmet brand you offer me.

This. I don’t understand it, but rarely I will trade out my Gouda and sharp cheddar and all that for some fluorescent yellow Kraft shit. Because I fucking CAN and it reminds me of childhood and delicious. Once in a rare while.

Gross on every day but the day you want it.

I’m a woman and I don’t exactly train mma but I train brazilian jiu jitsu (the ground stuff) and I say do it. Rousey is grounded in judo, but I don’t do judo because I hate being thrown, and I don’t train kickboxing because I hate being punched (and in terms of pure self-defense with an untrained person you don’t need

Do it!

I’m so sorry. So terribly sorry. Everything you did and everything you are feeling is completely natural. The curiosity, the anger, the sadnesss. Especially the anger.