
Enjoy! :)

I really ought to start one of those one day...

It’s actually pretty basic. The secret difference is that most people don’t bother to make real cheese sauce and use Velveeta instead.

I can make a baked mac and cheese that will save your soul.

Yay Mark and Allen! Will Allen be accepting co-parenthood of the guinea pig now?

Of course it’s sarcasm. That’s what you call saying one thing while meaning the opposite in an attempt to be humorous. I thought it was funny. To each their own.

There is that. I suppose some of them may not know this is Mark being Mark.

This comment section so far.

I’m like 95% certain that anyone who is into radical honesty is really just into being an asshole and making excuses for it.

I’m glad you think so because I was definitely in the minority opinion on that thread (not Jez). It kind of blew my mind and I thought maybe I was a crazy secretive hermit type unfit for human interaction.

I had this transparency discussion with someone the other day. She insisted that having anything “private” (i.e. journals, conversations, texts) from your partner was an indication that you were hiding something. The mandate of complete transparency and that “radical honesty” bullshit are so suffocating. I can’t

Much better (but still only ok)

Can I come day drink, too? Life = bs and no beer over here.

Watch out, it autoplays some Woody Allen crap.

I woke up this morning thinking it was a bit chilly in the house so but not terribly so so I dressed the baby in her normal onesie and socks and went on about my day. Then I read this nightmare, put fuzzy pants on the baby, and have since spent the rest of the day cuddling her.

Oh Jesus Christ :(

My dad was a sheriff’s deputy when I was a kid. He once had to respond to a call from a woman who claimed there were ghosts in her walls trying to grab her. My dad is a really nice guy so he stayed with her until she calmed down and “helped” her scare the ghosts off. I don’t know the end of the story since I was a

Peaking at 17 is a sad, sad fate.

Yeah, I definitely rinse off more often than I soap up to avoid overdry skin. I do no-poo and it has improved my hair by leaps and bounds.

Ew, yeah. I have to wash sunscreen off my face at least or I get red, irritated eyes and some serious acne. It’s pretty nasty.