
I suppose this is a step in the right direction for filehosting companies..

Bargain.. - Have you checked Bang & Olufsen's recent pricing list?

The configuration of this machine makes room for both. - The HDD is located towards the mid of the board in the 15" retina.. In the standard 15, the bottom of the laptop is filled with batteries, and a standard 2.5 HDD.

WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT!? The current 13" MBP is a dual core i7...! Two physical cores, with 4 threads.. You can cal it quad thread if you want.. But in the same respect the 15" doesn't have an octocore..!

And do you miss your IR? Probably not, eh?

And removing the DVD drive would allow for the same symmetrical layout as the 15.. Especially with the smaller chipset...

Would be nice if the screen real estate stretched closer to the edge as well.. Leaving 13' size, but not wasting the space where the screen bezel is.. - I don't need my thumbs to be there, the iPad bezel excuse is not applicable!

It might just be me.. it is it so fucking hard to have a sleep light! It's fucking ridiculous. The power button is a keyboard press, not a physical button.. - there's no DVD drive to give an audible start up machine sound..

This is an odd one for me.. - I've been dancing around buying a 15 Retina for weeks now.. But if this things had dual graphics, i might consider it..

That last one with the Deer.. Mooses.. Thing (I'm not a Zoologist!) Should win some sort of Photography award.. Someone call Nat Geo!

I've actually seen this done all to often. A rich / very international important type person, will buy more than one iPhone, with a contract in a specific country, a specific email, and specific contact list.

Firstly, I'm just getting to grips with this new commenting structure, so here goes!

The increase of sales from slightly timid buyers, complaining the precious metal and glass icon is too fragile would easily make up for any loss there.. But that's assuming there is a loss. When you take into account the cost of a replacement handset through the Genius bar,, There's no profit there.

I don't like to have intrigue, and go looking for answers.. Idiot!

Why would you send me there!? The Agony!

It's a little choppy on native 2880, and full quality, but runs flawlessly at 1920x1200 HIDPI.

You can change the default screen, and where the menu bar appears. So even if the laptop is on the left, You can put the menu bar on the middle screen.. etc. But full screen apps should retain the menu bar.. Mirroring the time and date etc, and the drop downs.

I ran some tests recently, and as far as rendering.. The retina mac pulled 3 minutes on a full HD 3Gb file, and a Mid Spec MacPro did it 40 seconds slower.

That argument used to be sound. But the retina macbook pro runs battlefield 3 full settings at 30fps MINIMuM! Granted, the OS is still better suited to windows, so this test was on BootCamp win 7 64 bit. Something I WILL do with my new retina mac.. (when I get it) because running windows in the background for a

It's pretty much the same.. The iPad - While smaller has the same amount of pixels (roughly) as the above iMac testing. So it would handle the information fine. The real test, would be to run those monitors above, PLUS an Airplay monitor to an Apple TV / iPad. I imagine it would melt not only your face, but 50 ft