People, or citizens?
People, or citizens?
@urfe: Except you're in your underwear in aeroplane bathrooms with your PSP "games"..
This saddens me..
What I mean, is that a console like this won't ship until 2013. Taking 8GB of RAM into something like that isn't crazy. Especially if it still has to be powerful in 2020! How many games do you have for your DS? I have spent more than double on games for my consoles than the consoles themselves!
Other retail stores deal in stock, so as soon as there is a new product available they will have it, but won't release the stock as standard until the previous stock has been sold. If it's a best buy etc.. you can ask the sales dude to see if there is one that doesn't have dust on the box, but it's always safest to go…
Seriously? 4Gb right now is the common standard for computers right now. I've had my xbox for 5 years, replaced once since RROD. I've had twice as many laptops since then..! 8GB not actually that much of a big deal. Especially when you're looking at a 10 year console. standalone, you're looking at 100 GBP market value…
@Scenick: Also, given the technology in sandybridge motherboards.. Couldn't the 8GB be shared between RAM and Graphics memory?
@fuegerstef: Seriously.. That's what I notice in Crysis (360) more than anything else. The constant rendering when you add an attachment to a gun or shoot something in the distance that hasn't fully be added to the environment. Graphically it had few flaws.
@JGab: No, it's not going to magically make games prettier. But you nor I have any idea where we would be right now if the xbox 360 was given 4 GB of ram 5 years ago. At the moment PV games require 2 but recommend 4. So 8GB on a 10 year life span makes absolute sense.
@Scrape: I feel dead inside.
There is a guarantee if it's bought from an Apple Store. I had this discussion with a manager there when i bought my black macbook. Whenever there's a change regardless of how minute, all models in their retail stores move to refurbished sites or are repurposed for genius bars. And @alek2407 is right.. You could…
@Nitesh: Every mac sold from an Apple store will be the most up to date model available. I imagine there is a part number change you could find as well..
@RaindropBebop: Believe it or not, both the Hard Drive and RAM units on all current macs (excluding the air of course.) is classified as user installable.. Thus Warranty intact!
@Graviton1066: I'm not entirely sure what the carbon fiber stipulates. I know that the unibody aluminium chassis is patented, so if it's a specific design use for the carbon fiber, then it makes sense. In addition, the unibody acts as a heat sink for the processor bay, so if there is any adaptation to the current…
I just love the fact it requires the use of a demo mode!!?!?!
Yes, I'll admit, they definitely stem from different purposes. But where's the fun in that?
I see your.. Watch..
@JalopJeff: The mustang is quickly becoming more ridiculous than the 911.. Is there an entity out there that knows how many models of each exist? I imagine if such a list were compiled my existence would probably continue.. But know that a part of me may die.