
What do you mean STILL like Carmen Electra.. :S

All well and good.. But what about reliability..

Apple should buy colourware..

@Spinnyd: Case in point it seems..

@Scenick: Also.. there is no multi tasking option. If you pause and switch apps, switching back will revert you from you video to the media page. Not a bad thing actually, as you're not accidentally hogging your iPhone from sexting properly.. But with a quick tap, it does remember exactly* where you left off..

@Aklost: Full screen - YES! But no expanding to eliminate the black bars.. And as far as subtitles, i can't seem to see any means of turning on or off.. I have an MKV loaded on their with optional subs, and the interface doesn't seems to allow you to do anything else but delete things..

@InsaneJester17: Yeah, it works out well.. Especially with programs like pages for the iPad, you can very easily drag on or off any document..

Now all I need is to be able to get this on either my XBOX or PlayStation.. Eliminating the need for any fucking transcoding (pardon my language..)

@hawkeye18: I don't UNSERSTAND YOUR USE of CAPS lock..

@dtptampa: Probably because i live in London.. and they pretty much don't exist outside the U.S..

Also.. Simple google search for: "procudts" Showing this page as top result..

I dunno.. this seems weird to me.

Can I just point out the obvious.. and mention the lack of the MP4-12C...