
Technically, they don't need to conform to APS-C, APS-H, or any other size format if they are going to make their own lenses for it. Nikon did something similar with the CX in their recent Nikon 1, making it somewhere between 2/3" and FourThirds in size. Fuji could so the opposite, perhaps making it between the

More I read your comments the more I believe you work for, or are paid by, Zenimax.

Again, this court case is taking place in SWEDEN. Not the US. TESS is part of the USPTO. Japanese companies would have registered 'Dragon Scroll' and 'Streets of Rage' in Japan. In fact, you won't find many game names on the USPTO. The US=World.

Konami still owns the rights to "Dragon Scroll", Sega still owns the rights to "Streets of Rage". The issue here is taking more genericized elements of the name. In this case the single words "Scroll" and "Rage". Also, let's also keep in mind this Mojang versus Zenimax case is not taking place in the US, it takes

It specifically says, "not M4/3s nor current mirrorless cams", meaning it won't be APS-C, but something larger. Remember the quote from Fuji is ""resolution and low noise will surpass the 35mm full size sensor"

Notch's game isn't even the first game with "scroll" in its name. In fact, Dragon Scroll, from Konami (released on the NES), predates not only the Elder Scroll series but also Bethesda as a company. You can't retroactively trademark words that there are prior use to. If that was that case I would trademark "dragon"

Microsoft is listed on Gawkers advertising partners page:

Wait, I'm a bit confused. John Neff responds with "Autoblog's editors were completely unaware of this improper relationship".

So I guess the insinuation is, the "glorious PC master race" versus the "dirty console gaming peasants".

Kodak sold most of their image-sensor patents a few months ago for a mere $65m.

The camera does 120 fps, but its limited to 24fps when recording in 4:4:4 16-bit RAW.

I think there is some misunderstandings about this camera.

The Apple A5, as a first gen Cortex A9 product, is actually on the lower-end of performance scale in terms of what we'll see with that architecture. In terms of both L2 cache and clock speed.

If the iPad 2 is half the power of a PS3/360 then it would make the PS Vita as powerful as the PS3/360....

Dragon Age isn't an action RPG, there are a lot of RPGs with a party system, but its very difficult to have party system with an aRPG that actually works.

Seriously, I'm excited about this game, and I'm disappointment that Kotaku isn't as well. It seems to be an open-world Monster Hunter meets Demon's Soul, its NOT trying to be another Elder Scrolls or a cookie-cutter wRPGs, its a distinctively different style. Fantasy setting aside, its the evolution of the jRPG.

Right now, I carry around my iPad to a lot of places because it does a lot of the social and internet stuff which I really don't want to do with my iPhone because of the small screen and don't want to do with the laptop becaues its too large. The Vita seems to be in the middle of that, 5" OLED screen that is

Seriously though, I have a huge back catalog of games as it is. Games that are $60 eventually fall to $40, then $20, then are like dirt-cheap on Steam. Even Bethesda games like Fall Out New Vegas, which is a huge game, was $15 last month.

The original article only says that the PSP Vita will be using Samsung's 45nm process (which is actually a joint-venture with IBM). For reference, the Apple A5 is also fabbed on IBM/Samsung's 45nm process.

Poor comprehension on your part. It distills down to the fact I hate shady anti-consumer business practices; which is why I hate Kotick, Gamestop, and these Playstation Passes.