
Its not excuse for charging $60 for a game that lasts barely 4 hours, has no multiplayer, no replay value, has shit AI, only 4 enemies, and is quite simply, and most importantly, not any fun to play. Even as a $20 DL game it would not be worth it. The game is simply not enjoyable.

I would be more willing to believe this if GRIN were a more respectable developer and their last game wasn't Terminator Salvation. I remember the main draw of that game was that it gave out achievements like candy. But the game was terrible, I mean just really really awful, it had like four different enemies and

Based on what is rumored, the Wii2 sounds like a PS3.5 or a Xbox 540 from a development perspective. Meaning that enhanced versions of PS3/350 games can be ported, and more importantly Nintendo can get a version of HD consoles games like Noir, Assassins Creed, CoD, etc. instead of exiting in their own development

Sam Biddle took my "star" away for basically calling him out just now. Not important to me, but it does illustrate how sensitive Gawker is to criticism these days.

You have to wonder have prevalent these smear campaigns are. Obviously, Facebook was exposed, and admitted to it, but you have wonder how many other companies, perhaps not as in the spot-light, use these viral tactics to attack rival products and services without ever getting noticed. Especially if they are going

Care to comment how its "official" and "confirmed"?

Its far worst than sensationalism, its a complete lie.

Don't believe this Gawker misinformation:

We still don't know if molten corium leaked out of the containment vessel. In fact, the link Gawker links to say its "official" still says they don't know at this point, but its a possibility. The fact is they can't get near the containment vessel for inspection at this point until the core completely cools down.

What is it with Gawker spreading misinformation. Utilizing the massive human tragedy that has happened in Japan for some sensationalist click-seeking is quite simply appalling.

No, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy by senators in criticism of Sony not releasing the information on the severity of the hack earlier when even the US government takes even longer to announce a breach in their security. Especially of something a lot more sensitive.

What I find a bit hypocritical is that the US government had a similar situation of compromised data a few years ago, and it took them over a month to make it public.

This is Gawker. What do you expect? Journalism?

Yeah, its got a stereoscopic parallax-barrier 3D screen like the 3DS.

Not a problem. I'll buy a hundred 100 penny candies with a buck, eat one, and hand out 99 to the poor. I'll shower candies on some homeless orphan.

When I drop change, I make it a habit of not picking it up if its less than a dime. Not worth getting my hands dirty touching the ground. Picking up change is for the poors.

First, PSN credit cards weren't confirmed to be stolen, second, not all 77 million cards had credit cards attached to them, the very vast majority didn't have credit cards (and don't even have real names). Lastly, banks bring in an INSANE amount of money from transaction fees, and they have been under considerable

If you're shooting for 1080p, the F3 is the camera to have.

r3D as FILE format supports 16-bit, but the Epic sensor doesn't output 16-bit images. Which is why there is no point. It just adds filler information from 12-bits. Completely pointless.

When thinking about practicality and workflows, RED is probably the WORST camera on the market now.