Both the 5K Epic and the 8K Sony target a delivery resolution of 4K. Sony adds the extra pixels because it wants to do 16-bit RAW 4:4:4 at 4K.
Both the 5K Epic and the 8K Sony target a delivery resolution of 4K. Sony adds the extra pixels because it wants to do 16-bit RAW 4:4:4 at 4K.
No it doesn't, RED Epics shoots 12-bit raw files, same as the ARRIRAW. Most cameras that shoot in Prores are usually only 10-bit. To shoot 16-bit raw you need to have 16-bit ADCs, which is incredibly rare, dSLRs top out at 14-bit, and only the Hasselblads and PhaseOne medium format cameras really use 16-bit ADCs. …
I have to really wonder why Red gets so much attention. James Cameron also announced at NAB that he will be using the new Arri Alexa Ms, and he will have hand in development of the camera.
Two failed sign-in attempts and you can watch Netflix. Netflix doesn't care if you have PSN connection.
The Fukushima Plant was considered unusable the moment that they pumped salt water into the reactors, which wasn't long after the disaster. TEPCO had said as much that they didn't see a future in the plant producing any energy.
While I don't doubt that Smartphones will overtake compact cameras in uploads to Flickr, but that graph says absolutely nothing.
Looks like the AUTOArt Veyron model based on the glitter in the paint, and probably cigarette smoke + black background + single light source + small aperture + high shutter speed photography.
The point I was trying to make was that he didn't actually fight a legal battle which he got money for, he settled before it went to court, in fact, he settled before the jurisdiction of where the court was to be was even decided. He asked for $10k, and got donations for it, and pretty much didn't even fight the…
So why doesn't he just return the money that he was donated back to the people who gave it to him (at least the ones with large sums)? The money he solicited for his legal fees were given to him to fight his legal battle with Sony, which he just settled with half-assed without really making precedence for "consumer…
Geohot has "has friends with deep pockets" according to Arstechnica:
Seriously? I thought he was going to fight for consumer rights. Set a precedent in court for the right to hack. What was all that big talk for? That lame lip-synced rap video throw down?
RE: Firmware modification (and distribution) for the purpose of running software not approved by the manufacturer has been found legal on quite a few platforms.
It has NOTHING to do with consumer rights. Geohot could ejaculate in the Blu-Ray disk for all Sony, or any one else, cares. You can stick a fork in someone's eyes. Its not what product you do it with, its what your actions are.
So with all the internet censorship going on around the world. Riots in the Arab world where digital communications and online censorship is playing a large role, non-existent cyber free speech in China, and governments imprisoning citizens that speak out against them.
We have to be VERY careful trying to insinuate that Nintendo is connected to the mob. Next we'll have an article connecting Sega to the mob due to their Pachinko gambling connections (and their game called Yakuza). Or we could connect Bicycle to the mob because they make playing cards used in gambling.
Is this a victory?
So he's asking for monetary donations and then taking a trips to South America? Doesn't sound like a 21-year old in the need for money.
For a car blog there is suspiciously little discussion about that vehicle that is launching that missile.
Demon's Soul and Minecraft are probably the best recent examples that bridges the gap of 'save anywhere' vs. 'defined checkpoints'.
Great way for a washed-up comedian to get some attention.