
@a_guy_named_ryan: The Adreno chipsets should be faster then the current PSP chip. Adreno started off as the ATI Z4xx series before Qualcomm bought out ATI's mobile division. The chip is suppose to be related to the Xenos (as in the Xbox 360) and supports niceties such as OpenGL ES2.0, shader, tile-based rendering,

So basically a 1 Ghz MSM8655 , which is basically a Cortex A8 Snapdragon. It also means an Andreo 205 GPU. Was kinda hoping for a multi-core Cortex A9 and maybe the new PowerVR SGX GPU that has been rumored.

For reference, this is a 1080p 4.8" screen (exactly 1" larger then the PSP Go) from Casio/Toppan. The screen would be 1/2" larger if they are saying it'll be 1" larger then the PSP slim.

@TheControlled: Apple devices are 4:3 for a reason, and they can handle 16:9 video and distribute those videos just fine via iTunes store. It might not be the best use of screen real estate but a larger screen will compensate that.

An inch larger LCD then the current 4.3" screen (or 3.8" for the Go) would make this a massive 5.3" screen.

Not lazy enough to add all the extra exclamation marks it seems...

Oh man, Egawa Tatsuya, you know its gonna be totally, completely, fucked up. He makes ancient Greece blush.

Thought for a second that was Mel Gibson trying to sell his script for Brave Heart 2.

This looks like a another Hawk Replica to me. The gruppo 4 parts like the fresh-air vent combined with wrong wheel and a that exhaust are a dead giveaway. Moreover, this orange-ish florescent red color is common amongst replicas (being that its the original color of the Stratos HF prototype and Stratos Bertone

@R2Dad: Seriously? You think I own a hybrid because I present criticism for this tripe? I don't.

Didn't this site just make an exhaustive argument that hybrids sales were comparatively minuscule?

Super GT and DTM has been trying to make their cars cross-compatible. So that a DTM car could race in SuperGT and vis versa.

The Japanese press are reporting it to be 530ps (523hp).

@Rob_Nomad: Back when the PS3 was launched HDMI 1.3 was only a few months old, and Sony only announced its addition a couple months before launch. The primary reason they added HDMI 1.3 was due to features such as True Color that would benefit the Blu-ray watching experience which they were trying to push at the

@Wozamil: PS3 has HDMI 1.3, which has the same 10.2 Gb/s bandwidth (340 Mhz) as HDMI 1.4. Which is why 3D features are updatable via software update.

@Ben Nadler: Eurogamer's Digital Foundry covered this topic:

@WizardsPajamas: Do you mean that as a positive or a negative? Because to me iTunes has become a proprietary bloated mess...

Fast-food beef hamburgers, such as McDonald's, are also soaked in ammonia just like the chicken nuggets shown here. In fact, virtually all American possessed meat products are.

@CABEZAGRANDE: The Esprit was sold at 350hp, this engine may be capable of more then 611hp if you want to use that logic. Engine power is always a balance between reliability and power. You hear of a lot of cars that say they are 'detuned' because of this reason or that, maybe if the Esprit had a new transmission

20% increase in weight and a 60-232% increase in power. Sounds about right.