I haven't seen so much misunderstanding about a display technology in awhile. Maybe its Sharp's fault for not communicating this to the consumer correctly.
I haven't seen so much misunderstanding about a display technology in awhile. Maybe its Sharp's fault for not communicating this to the consumer correctly.
Apple and Ebert are such trolls...
Any brand that sold more during the C4C deals last year are going to see a larger drop. Brands that relied on light truck sales saw a less of a drop being that less of their cars qualified.
I'm not sure about the demand of this. A one season with 24 episodes will cost $24 per season. Watching all of Lost will cost you $124. How many people pay this? Especially since this is only renting; you can't watch it over again later.
@SkelatorDan: No, they wouldn't.
@stopcrazypp: Rare-earth magnets are used in the electric motors. And a motor in necessary to convert that energy stored in the battery into vehicular motion.
I'd say that the "EPA Horizontal Window Sticker Proposal" seems to make more sense. Primarily because it shows how much it will "cost" and separates the mileage rating between gas and electric mode.
@Pzychotix: The web being "dead" is just sensationalism- designed to sell magazines and get clicks (in the case of Giz). It can be considered journalistic trolling if you want to get right down to it. BUT the central point is the same.
@Shen Ye: I think MJ falls into the 0.3% category.
In the current issue of Wired they have a cover story called the "Web is dead", basically showing statistics that the desktop browser usage is on a decline as people diversify how they consume content on the internet.
@_Topher_: DPReview has some samples of the auto-HDR from the A33/A55 which use the same sensor as these cameras:
@BobFraggle: Luminous Landscapes is calling it a "landmark camera".
@Bluecold: No, this system has close to no relation to the previous implementations of semi-transparent mirror systems.
I'm getting kinda tired of this kind of pseudo-intellectualism regarding 3D. I understand that this is the standard for-clicks, for-profit, Gawker-school-of-blogging article.
People, these are vinyl decals, they peel off. They aren't permanent or painted on.
Oddly enough that Toyota Camry is more "American" then any UAW-built car, by not only being built in America but with 85% of its parts also sourced from American suppliers.
Textured leather isn't exclusive to Leica nor did it begin nor originate with them for cameras. Furthermore, Leica, or any other manufacturer, doesn't use real leather for the camera body anymore (though the M9 strap uses real leather). They are textured leather vinyl or (black) pebble vinyl.
@Ian Logsdon: Anchor Bay made a limited-edition version the the Evil Dead DVDs with those Book of the Dead bound in latex made by special-effects artist Greg Nicotero.