Smokin Jay

On the off chance McGregor goes off script and does a MMA takedown once he realizes that the fight is already lost.

I’m glad someone finally found a use for Jim Carey’s Riddler.

Very different. You can’t put points into stats anymore. There are now talents you can skill at levels 10,15,20 and 25. New items and heroes have been added. The map got tweaked twice, with more neutral and ancient camps added. Almost every hero has an Aghs upgrade now. There have been complete hero reworks.

Upper middle class? Have you priced Bay Area real estate lately?

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

“and up until 1948, it was racially segregated. That is, a few decades ago, Tina and Michael couldn’t buy a house on Presidio Terrace.”

Why would you click on that? It’s Coldplay for god’s sake.

If he really wanted to bring the Redskins luck, he would have sang “Run to the Hills.”

Least offensive lyrics he’s ever written

I have no idea whether he’s clean or not, all I can say though is his physical build is the closest thing to a freak of nature I’ve seen in track.

I mean Bolt is no more dirty than anyone else, and possibly less. Why do you care?

The problem is that it ignores the supreme prevalence of drug use among the elite track athletes, including many from Jamaica. Other than cancer, Lance Armstrong was relatively injury free, too. I am not saying he DID use - I have no idea - but no one other than Bolt, his coaches and his doctors (and really only

Welp, this is gonna be a fun commment’s section.

Summarily dismissing the screed as being “anti-diversity” is exactly the problem it was outlining. Ms. Conger, it’s difficult to have discussions with people that prefer to affix labels out of some misguided sense of moral superiority. Listening to other perspectives, whether you agree with them or not, is just part

I hate to be “that guy”, but I wish “homophobic slur” would stop being used, and instead, the proper “anti-gay slur” in its place, (as stated in the quoted article.) There’s nothing “phobic” about the “slur”, (does calling someone a “fag” really mean you’re “afraid” of gays?), and instead, really reads as an insult to

What has this to do with being rich and white? Do poor, black people not use homophobic slurs? That would be a first.

I like “cheesedick” for some reason.

As a fuck face, asshole and dickhead, I am deeply offended by these terms being so loosely thrown about. I’ve suffered greatly due to the way society has treated me. These words are hurtful and have no place in today’s world. Let me and those like me be fuckfaces, assholes and dickheads in peace.

I’m not at all homophobic and I legitimately fear that I’ll do this exact thing some day.