This is so great. Now when someone asks me if I’ll teach them how to drive stick I can make them listen to this first to see if they really want it or not.
This is so great. Now when someone asks me if I’ll teach them how to drive stick I can make them listen to this first to see if they really want it or not.
The f1 GP in Baku was basically a NASCAR race...
Lol the days of starting point guards making 12-14 mil are gone. Only players on their first contract will make that kind of money. If you’re a top 20-30 PG in the league you will get more than that in free agency from now on. I bet even malcontent rondo will get paid 14 mil this year and he’s coming off yet another…
They are key for gesturing.
Agreed. I’m also disappointed that they used the tried and true political tactic of sneaking in the provision at the last minute. Just because I agree with the policy doesn’t mean they went about it the proper way.
If you’re referring to some states refusing federal funding for medicare expansion then you’re mistaking that refusal of funds with refusing the federal government’s right to enforce their laws. They’re not the same thing at all. The US constitution says that federal laws take precedence over state law. There was a…
I’m curious: is there maybe a practical reason why you might want to have your gender identified on a driver license? Like if you are being ticketed or treated by EMTs would you need them to know your gender? If not then to me that info shouldn’t be on your ID in the first place. I’m glad for the folks that don’t…
Rodriguez has the least essential role out of the recurring characters in my opinion. I think there would be a group of fans that get disappointed over her leaving/being written out of the series but that group is likely not big enough to damage profits or change anyone’s mind about her level of contribution. Setting…
I love mom jokes: Your mom is so fat her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does.
I like this game. Your mom is so fat it takes 2 buses and a train just to get on her good side.
I don’t usually enjoy the Emmitt Smith vocabulary jokes but this one is actually funny.
Well if you look back at how LeBron came in the league I think the hype train behin ball could be considered mild. Seemed to work out alright for lebron. Some people are just build to be big time players both physically and mentally. Maybe ball is one of the few. Maybe he isn’t.
Why are you and the other person hoping for this kid to fail? He has done nothing wrong other than have a loudmouth dad. It’d be one thing of he got into trouble doing bad stuff to people like Josh Jackson did at Kansas but by all accounts he met his school obligations, is nice or at least cordial to everybody around…
Could be a little person.
I think if he does believe in cosby’’s innocence it’’s because he’s convinced himself of it in order to defend cosby. I imagine (pure conjecture, mind you) that it’s near impossible to see the evidence inclusive of the stuff not allowed to be presented in court and truly believe that Cosby is innocent.
That is both oddly specific and vague at the same time. I think maybe bragging about how much you can lift is just one of those things that shouldn’t bother anyone because of 2 reasons: 1) people brag about themselves all the time in the real world; at least on the Internet you and I have the option to scroll right…
I would say in Cosby’s case: soulless and jaded enough to rape many women with no remorse whatsoever. In the case of his attorney I can’t help but think he’s either a greedy shitbag or he is actually getting off to this which makes him about as soulless and jaded as Cosby. They are both deeply disturbed in any event.
Did you see the headline? I imagine that has quite a bit to do with the tenor of the comments.
It appears to have an interesting and novel way of defining and identifying “hate.”
Stupid fucking headline. “almost”