Smokin Jay

I think I remember many people commenting on that story and blaming tesla for misleading people by calling the system “autopilot.” I’m curious if this new information (though incomplete) changes the opinions of those folks at all.

Everything after your parentheses is correct. Doesn’t need to touch the ground in fair territory as long as it’s fair when it passes the bag.

The car interlock device works the same still. In theory you can have someone blow for you. However the device also alerts you while driving that you need to blow again. This can occur as frequently as every 2 or 3 minutes to prevent people from turning the car on sober then proceeding to consume while the car is on.

I think you’ve drawn the wrong conclusion from otherwise decent logical thought process. The sport is not dead. The audience interested in paying money for legitimately good boxing matches is nearly dead. Ward vs. Kovalev 2 is tomorrow and nobody outside of hardcore fans have mentioned it. The first fight was a roller

Andre Ward is fighting Sergey Kovalev tomorrow night. Boxing as a sport isn’t dead. The paying audience for legitimately good boxing matches is just dying.

The point I was trying to make is that not everyone has the same background or understanding of verbal exchanges. It’s entirely possible for two reasonable people to draw two different conclusions regarding the intentions or tone of someone’s speech. Of course there are going to be cops that treat some citizens

Well to be fair the majority of comments on these updates have been people virtue signalling regarding how obviously guilty Bill Cosby is. I mean if you want to get down to it people saying “fuck Bill Cosby; lock him up forever” serves no purpose other than to make the case about themselves and how they are on the

If I had to guess I’d say this is the crux of the issue within the jury deliberations. Whether the person having said “reasonable doubt” is actually reasonable is not a concern of the legal system which is pretty weird. Then again our laws grant the right to have a trial by jury of your peers and who among is is

It’s basically the same as getting a lease every 3 or 4 years. It defies financial common sense unless you simply have enough disposable income to afford a new car every 3 or 4 years.

There are usury laws for a reason. That is what predatory lending entails. It’s not predatory to offer someone credit at a reasonable interest rate over a long period of time. It’s fucking stupid to buy something you can’t afford even if the interest rate is reasonable. It’s still dumb to buy an $80,000 Escalade if

There was nothing “mysterious” about the “character issues.” They were the result of him doing time for his involvement in some racist twerp getting his ass kicked at school combined with his failing a drug test. There were other factors too I’m sure like some people being racist and others just using the typical

He’s 68 which means his son was born when he was 50. His wife is currently 56 though. 38 isn’t super old for a kid. It’s relatively common for women to give birth in their 40s now. As anecdotal evidence I present my parents. They are in their early 40s and my younger brother just turned 16. They are certainly on the

He is good now and talented enough to become great. Size, court vision (or basketball IQ as some like to say) and shooting ability are all you need to become an all star 1 or 2 guard. He has those. The jumper may look funky but it gets reaults. He’s 6 foot 6 with room to hulk up. Most importantly he is an excellent

Fox has a busted jumper and doesn’t create enough for others. Hyper quick slashers a la Monta ellis will always have a place in the league but unless you have elite defense to go with it your upside is severely limited. If he becomes a better shooter (I think he will) his game will likely stay limited and he’ll end up

1 game proves only that fox was better on that day. Ball is a significantly better shooter (funny looking mechanics aside, nobody disputes this), a better playmaker and is bigger. Fox is a better (or at least a more willing) defender and is really quick with the ball. But in the NBA, unless you’re a truly elite

Bill Clinton was caught lying too and the didn’t seem to matter. Forgive me if I am a bit skeptical that anybody gets punished for any wrong doing in regards to this Russia nonsense.

Looks to me like the former although how he ended up with two different colors in the yarn hair I can’t explain.

Agreed. I enjoy a good freak show.

Why would you think that? Not only does he bring eyeballs (and dollars) to the sport but he is a very high level martial artist. He is the king of shit talk but in a sport that encourages such behavior it seems like that’s the worst reason to dislike the guy.