Smokin Jay

Well Browne was using a smart game plan in the first. Chopping at the big man’s legs is just smart fighting and his technique looked good enough. Lewis is a brawler so his fighting is almost always going to look sloppy. But the second round did turn into a bit of a bar fight with the sloppy wrestling. There were at

It’s got to be the coaching right? I mean the fighter is the one in the cage having to solve the problem in real time but we’ve seen this a few times where edmond tarverdyan’s fighters get in the cage and look like they are one dimensional as fuck before eventually getting knocked out.

It’s interesting to me that over half the votes cast for president were for hillary and this is basically the same thing she does. It must work because she and McCain have both come close to being president.

But the premise is flawed. People of all political and social leanings both agree and disagree with the way concussions have been handled. It’s a silly distinction to make just like labeling someone who believes in socialized health care as a liberal is not necessarily correct. Maybe they just believe in that one

This is a gross generalization. You have no way of knowing if that is true or not. None of us do...

But the real question is: will it be furious? This is the sort of tough question I expect this car blog to answer. Very disappointed in your reporting. Sad.

This is a very good question. I figure it’s either that or they’ve been following the whole fiasco at Baylor and someone or multiple people with influence have decided that they needed a review on if there’s anything like that happening on campus. Looks like they found some instances of it and are doing the right

I’m pretty sure this person was trying to respond to another commentor who said “Can’t wait till these guys still can’t beat a tesla in a drag race 😆.” 

Because hot taking is simple and so are the people who do it. They don’t want a discussion they just want a response. If the response isn’t emotional or equally simple they just ignore it because they don’t have the capacity or desire to respond in-kind to something thoughtful.

I agree with this in theory. However the data doesn’t support the theory. Good college coaches have typically not done well in the NBA. Larry Brown is the exception and he is one of the most consistently good coaches to be involved in basketball. With college coaches at the helm of team USA they have had success but

It will be like Gran Torino but with fewer racial slurs.

I’ve only been doing it for 2 months now. I have an 02 and before November of last year the city I live in didn’t allow cars older than 04. But they changed that and I’m good until this time next year. The suspension is stiff, there’s no muffler, the turbo is externally gated so it makes an incredibly obnoxious noise

I guess I didn’t really indicate I was joking. You have to be able to seat 4 passengers and somehow I don’t think 3 people would fit in that insurance back seat. How great would it be if you called up an Uber and got picked up by someone in a 500+ horse power sports car? I drive Uber on weekends and some people are

Maybe the owner drives Uber or Lyft in this thing?

See your mistake is taking a practical approach to the situation. It’s hard to manufacture outrage if you go the practical route.

Unfortunately this is the case for most complex discussions happening on college campuses. When I was 20 I thought I was calling people out on their bullshit and flexing on the establishment when in reality I was finding facts and making conclusions with no consideration for facts I had not yet obtained or context

The need for a frontcourt piece that can play both ends of the floor far exceeds their need for a better coach. And they very badly need a better coach.

Patterson is not a good defender. This is a personnel issue more than a coaching issue (it is both if we’re being honest). They don’t have a big who can both play sound defense and contribute anything on the offensive end. Casey is an excellent defensive coach but his lack of creativity offensively and his poor

He’s a bad defender. He fixes none of their front court deficiencies (defensive inability).

It seems like you’re really offended that nobody wants to talk about your shitty team unless it has to do with their 1 really good player.