Smokin Jay

So your solution to disciplining an massive overreaction by this guy is to massively overreact? Seems a tad unreasonable to me.

When you’re being sued civilly or prosecuted criminally you are entitled to both know what you’re accused of and what the evidence supporting the accusation is prior to your trial. The video is evidence so if either the prosecutors or the plaintiff’s attorney had the video and wanted to use it in court they a have to

What do you mean why? That is what he claims to be the facts of the encounter.

I disagree with most of what you’re saying. The adaptive suspension and multiple driving modes in the current M3 make it quite versatile in addition to making it incredibly engaging and responsive when in the most aggressive settings. It’s possible to do everything well and do one thing extremely well. Also AWD can be

I remember that game. It was so fucking shameless it got to the point where Curry was standing on the baseline of the defensive end of the court and he still had 2 guys guarding him.

Can anybody give me an example of the kind of contract that this over 36/38 rule is attempting to stop? I am trying to come up with a scenario where this rule is necessary to prevent salary cap circumvention and I can’t think of one. In fact the only practical use I can find for this rule is giving the owners/GMs a

I would guess it’s option number 1. If we get a kickstarter going is there a chance we can get him that seat at Mercedes? I’m a fool who has money I want to part with.

Let’s be fair to the guy. He said a negative topic. That doesn’t mean porn is negative in his eyes. it can mean that the discussion about porn was negative. But really should we be latching onto his words anyway? He has demonstrated time and again that he doesn’t even know what he’s saying. He just says stuff that has

No they’re actually “goddamnit. Mother fucking lions...”

Well supposedly they exist down here in Texas but every time I look on the Internet it seems like the city of Arlington is building another stadium for a group of extremely wealthy people. I’M just glad that the city I live in didn’t get the chance to start negotiations.

I think you’re right. Unfortunately electing the right president doesn’t solve that problem. Even if that was an option this time around (it wasn’t). Gotta fix that house and senate too.

That was not meant to be taken as a literal accusation of Obama leading a Jihadist movement. I think it’s pretty obvious he was referring to giving ISIS recruiting power based on our military action and other foreign policy in the region over the past 40 years. He could just as easily have accused both George W and HW

A literal interpretation of that particular quote is incorrect in my opinion. You’re right the actual words he used were that “Obama founded ISIS” but the entire point of what he was saying is the US involvement in the middle east, which includes drone strikes, collateral damage and selling arms to governments and

Yes that is definitely worth pointing out. I think to take that as a literal “Obama and Hillary started and now lead the Jihadist movement ISIS” is not correct though. You’re free to disagree with me but I think what he meant is that the foreign policy of the USA, particularly the drone strikes and back room deals

Well I suppose I get some credit for having the decency to not actually say what I’m thinking? At any rate I have plenty of family up north and I can say with all honestly it scares me how unprepared some people are for icy/snowy road conditions. I thought it was bad down here in Texas. When we get any kind of ice or

No I’m not. I see this kind of shit all the time on here and typically don’t respond because usually it’s someone’s opinion. I can’t sit here and argue that someone’s opinion is wrong. But when someone says something that simply isn’t factually correct I sometimes I feel the need to correct them. It’s frustrating

Regardless of if they were cooperative or not it’s not like an uncooperative congress is out of the norm. Every president deals with that. It’s a collective effort whether it’s everyone pulling in the same direction or many people pulling many ways. You don’t get there by any one person’s or one group’s decision(s).

What if I was just thinking it?

Easy there. Nobody of consequence called him an ISIS agent and that kind of over exaggeration does not contribute to the conversation in any positive manner. Some dumbass in congress wondered if he was “playing for another team” or some such. Hardly an accusation of being a member of a Jihadist group. Ya they weren’t