Smokin Jay

Does it have any electrical issues? Every person I know that’s owned an Audi has had an electrical issue of some kind. Some are bad and made the car a paperweight. Some are silly little glitches that are only an annoyance on the occasion that they pop up. And I have to know, what happened to the center caps. For the

I totally agree. I wasn’t attempting to trivialize the problems with taking out a loan you can’t pay (or have a decent chance of not fully paying). What I do know is that it takes longer to manifest itself in crippling or destroying lenders than everyone defaulting on mortgage payments. Assuming the government doesn’t

I always liked the look of those but I don’t think I want to own another 2-seater unless it’s a true all-out performance car. They just aren’t practical. I like those wheels.

Exactly. That’s a CP without taking into account the horrid mods. Call me when the price is down to 8K and we’ll talk.

While your anecdote about people spending so high above their means is not the norm it’s most certainly not uncommon either. Like with the mortgage crisis those people are going to be expected to make good on those loans at some point. Unlike the mortgage crisis you don’t lose your damn house when you default on that

Easy solution: don’t waste your time or money on an Audi. I like to ignore their existence unless a red-backed “R” or a mid-engine car catches my eye.

It’s because this is a blog run by bear and union enthusiasts. Sports is not their primary concern. And journalism sure as shit doesn’t make the top 10 on their list of priorities. I come here to be entertained. I suggest you stop expecting to get insightful analysis from such a fine purveyor of the most ripe dick


Gotta be fake. Nobody actually gets frosted tips anymore. Has to be a piece he bought at a novelty shop.

Well it did hit the DB in the hands and he dropped it. so I guess technically it was a dropped pass?

That person probably should have looked for a sign. And stopped or slowed down when he/she saw an oncoming car.

But.. that’s exactly what a lot of liberals displeased with the election are currently doing. On this very website and elsewhere. It’s childish on all fronts which is why I think the American people absolutely got the president we deserve. I agree with the people expressing displeasure that trump is the next president

He’s from Georgia which is in the Caucases mountain range. So he is about as Caucasian as it gets.

I got the H/K system option in my M3. It is tinny and unbalanced. I will never make the mistake of buying an upgraded stereo through the dealership/manufacturer again. I only did it because I didn’t want to install a new stereo in a car under warranty but here I am pricing amps and subwoofers on crutchfield a little

Fight fire with fire is their best song. Hands down. The bass part is so fucking epic.

I fully agree with the exception of Children Of Bodom. But that’s probably just difference in personal taste. Metallica got me into metal and I will always rock out very hard when I hear early Metallica. But at this point I’m not expecting anything interesting or groundbreaking from them. They are played-out. I

It’s better but not much better. I think it’s pretty try-hard but lacks a lot of the musical creativity that made their first 4 albums so epic. There’s plenty of interesting chords and unison parts. The riffs are lacking though for the most part.

Slayer yes. Megadeth not so much.

Bose is low quality sound equipment but if you go to resell the car you’ll probably most of your money back on that option. People love that name brand shit for whatever reason.

This is both bad and good. But mostly good.