
There's no way in hell that they'd limit PC to 30fps. Even if they were, the mod to fix this would be one of the first things out there.

When did Paul start ruining things in the name of KISS? I thought that was Gene's gig.

Here's where I agree:

I drive old awesome because I can't tolerate new shit and refuse to pay for new awesome. Old awesome still ends up cheaper than new awesome.

The malaise didn't start until '74/'75. I'm pretty sure a 454 LS6 is the faster than an L88.

Underestimate them at your own peril.

Why shouldn't you like this? Everyone should like this!

Seriously, this thing... It's utterly bonkers. Everything about it goes to 11, then snaps the knob off, lights it on fire, and throws it on an exploding gascan. Then it walks away while the world explodes.

It's remarkable how a change of perspective can make a game go from eh to must have. Definitely planning to pick this up now, all the better that I haven't played GTA5 to begin with.

While i question the aesthetics... These folk get it. They fucking get it!

Yea they're usually way over the top, but the dedication and time they put into their cars are amazing. Plus they have so many different styles.

Still think Japan has the best car culture in world. Or at least way up there.