
our boss Patrick thought this wouldn’t have been as funny before Ballaban’s review went up, but here’s a screenshot of this from after I finished it:

All 3 cars have been involved in accidents.

So, HRC shouldn’t accept responsibility for the actions of the people that work for her?

This times a million. Around here people are all anti Trump because he is orange and said sexists things 10 years ago. Hillary is just as bad/evil as he is, but is just better at hiding it.

Another day another reason to find Clinton skeevy as hell. And don’t give me grief, I’m voting for her against Trump but if you can look at shit like this and say you see nothing untoward about it, you’re fucking deluding yourself.

Plot twist: She’s deaf.

Who isn’t a fan of the VAG?

as sad as this is, the real sorrow will come when the hospital staff has to break the news that this election cycle was not part of the hallucination...

Well,who wants to join me in a Zoloft?

You, and all the people who are starring you, have no idea what they’re talking about.

Lol. A modified Cobalt SS does not make all other Cobalt SS’s legit.

It doesn’t even have the Camry Dent yet!

Again, being fast doesn’t make it a good car. It’s a shitbox with a nice engine.

That’s not a $10k car. That’s a $6k car with $20k worth of mods...

You probably also think the Neon SRT-4 is a great car.

That’s okay, the Cobalt doesn’t qualify as a great anything.

so many people are going to eat pavement.

Underground moon-base. No domes, easy to pressurize, stable long-term with options to greatly expand in three dimensions.

I don’t believe in an afterlife and I hold out hope that infinite realities translates to the possibility of my consciousness reforming itself after death. That said, I would aim for immortality.