I'm trying to work with ryguy85's post here...it's gonna be an uphill battle to make this funny. How about this:
I'm trying to work with ryguy85's post here...it's gonna be an uphill battle to make this funny. How about this:
Thats not funny. Not because you made an ebola and aids joke in one, but because ita just not funny.
As a sportbike enthusiast, this had me in tears laughing so hard. It's not because it's just funny, but it's so damn true! HA HA HA ! ! !
Cops are the lowest form of human garbage.
This shows the insanity off even better:
And they're all wearing flip-flops.
I umm.... Don't hate this.. *ducks*
freaking hate busas... always seem to be ridden by really fit black men or really fat white guys in mid life crisis mode.
What I'm doing to my computer screen right now
or pull out his can of mace, ride out in front and just crop-dust those dipwads.
I'll back you up on this, Collins. He was vastly outnumbered, and trying to chase down the squids is dangerous as hell considering the speed and other traffic around. Break off, call for backup (car backup!) and have the last laugh later.
Posted at 2:40 pm I see what you did there.
Dear Squids,
"Yet Mr. Stefanusson said he also suspected it could be a "budget-submarine" — a tongue-in-cheek Swedish term for a submarine sighting that conveniently coincides with the government setting its new budget, including allocations for defence."
I recently had the chance to spend several hours with a 1985 Lamborghini Jalpa. It was amusing, and delightful, and…
RIP 17,000 venomous creatures run over in this video
I think the answer is obvious.
The best part is, on their unclickable website, this is the "Corporate Headquarters":
We are prepared to extract the seamen.
I love how completely he seduces her in under a minute. Like, "Mike, buddy, I could fuck your girlfriend if I wanted to. I could fuck all the girlfriends."