
2010 SHO. Key location confirmed.

Four cylinder sex. The sounds that car makes...

Because it’s just a fucking boob?

Officially “that guy”

You are so full of fucking shit dude, come on....

Marcus Mumford is always a safe bet in this category as well sir. You are all over it.

Can we have a post about how to stay sane when your significant other works from home everyday but you DON’T. I would love some advice because it is tough to force myself out the door each day. It’s killing me. She seems to have the easiest transition each day from bed to productive. It has become infinitely harder to

Should've went Bon Iver. Nobody can argue that not being hipster trash.

He is implying Vampire Weekend is hipster garbage, like waxed mustaches and this motorcycle.

Didn’t say choke and die, quit making shit up. Or did you just read the first few words and then react? You know, like an adult...

It’s true, but let’s be real, the Jalopnik community frowns on most anything “fun” and deems all racing inferior that isn’t time attack in a shitty miata. #jaloplife

Yes, yes, let the Jimmies flow through you.

If you think a traffic infraction equals the right to murder, kill yourself. You are needed by no one on this planet.

Choke on your lunch today, you are a human piece of shit.

What is this? A motorcycle for ants?


Dumbest comment of the weekend. Congrats mouth breather.

This has LeMons written all over it. This is the only car community I know of that is terrified to wrench on anything. Oh Jalopnik, what has happened to the?

bahahahahah this is perfect. Bravo!