
He isn’t any better outside of parties.

bahahahha they would skull fuck you until you cried semen oh mighty keyboard warrior

Had to buy a Duralast wheel bearing for my MS6. Autozone was the only shop in KC that had one on hand. The bearing lasted exactly 5000 miles and then immediately started moaning and was completely trashed. Replaced with a Moog and all has been well since. Fuck Duralast, that was a pain in the ass job to do twice.


The MS6 is up and ready for wheel bearings. I got the car off the ground, and there it has sat all week like this because changing them out right now in the heat and humidity of KS sounds awful. DDing the vrod, and the S14 when it rains. Needs to be done asap. Poor girl.

damn matt. /hug

Works really well in pretend land.

Nope, the second a punch is thrown the sex of the attacker has nothing to do with my actions. Period. Swing like a man, get your fucking head caved in like one.


I have never seen the cool air intakes that look like FMICs. What in the actual fuck.

That’s what you took from this? The pancakes?

This is awesome.

I bet you are a riot at parties. On second thought, I bet your awful outside of parties too.

Contact high? SMDH.... are you 80?

To share something like this with your offspring, is amazing. I cannot wait till my little guy is ready to to trail right beside me!

When I pull my rig from Kansas city to glamis in my luxo truck I am comfortable. Doing that drive in anything not quad cab, not leather, would be terrible. I understand your broke and pissed off about it, it doesn’t make your dumb ass blanket statement any more accurate. To top it off my giant luxo truck stays parked

I pull a large boat and a rock crawling rig around all over the country with my luxo truck and it amazing. Haters gonna hate.

I pull giant toys with my giant luxo truck. Works awesome, and I am more comfy than you, eat a bag of dicks.

Incoming armchair rally driver chucklefuck comments about Ken Block, as is Jalopnik comments section tradition.