
In conclusion, Rangers announcers are terrible.

Well thank god the world doesn't work that way.

But what if this obese Brit was black? DISCUSS.

I think that's a somewhat legitimate point. However, when you arrive as a student at Ole Miss or make the basketball team, I am sure you sign some sort of commitment/contract that you won't break the law, do drugs, etc.

I kind of feel like Jezebel should send an inter-office note to Jack Dickey to suck a vagina.

Easy. Henderson wasn't caught for breaking the law while at Ole Miss. This all happened outside of Ole Miss.

Funny. Because he's put up one hell of a slash against the Yankees in his career:

Take a look at their roster before making such statements, peon.

my B. But the sentiment still remains.

Some context: the guy who was beaned is Chris Robinson. In this game he faked being beaned on an earlier AB. Before that he interfered with the a batter's swing when the bat hit his glove but the ump didn't call it. And he went in spikes high and way over the bag on a double-play attempt by Mexico.