Its always good to sign a “ roommate contract” to help settle a lot of the issues when a roommate relationship ends:
Its always good to sign a “ roommate contract” to help settle a lot of the issues when a roommate relationship ends:
Lol, deal with it ladies. The neanderthal look is fading and we’re taking back our faces.
Here, let me rephrase it in a way that should make sense to you: Flint is Trump’s responsibility. Puerto Rico is Trump’s responsibility. You know what isn’t Trump’s responsibility? Fucking Notre Dame.
Don't blame other people for your being racist. That's on you.
It wasn’t just her wedding. Her whole Preserve aesthetic was old Southern-chic. and she used to wax nostalgic about it in the site copy.
Much like all the men pretending they’re too scared to hire or work with women in the wake of Me Too.
So...I have heard through the grapevine of Greenwich Village how inept Cooper’s legal team I guess we can say the same for his PR team. It cannot be Gaga’s team that wants this story. Her gay male fans, which I have to believe is huge subsection of her fan base, know that both of these men are more likely than…
Enablers. Next question.
I literally never forget that. It’s always fresh. When someone questions whether racism is still alive, I just shout, “celebrities have plantation weddings! PLANTATION! Where people were enslaved, raped, tortured and killed for centuries. And it doesn’t seem to bother anyone. It’s totally fine because plantations are…
If a man doesn’t validate us with his dick’s feels, are we even valid humans at all? (See also every thirsty liberal dude who assures us HE likes “real women” or thinks smart girls are sexy or 8000 other compliments that are basically “my dick thinks you’re great!” Women: “you’re trying but still failing, my dude.”)
I think Notre Dame is worth saving, but I don’t think it’s our job to do it. The fact that our current President does, to the exclusion of dealing with his own problems, speaks volumes.
I question whether the water got better or the EPA standard got worse. We’ve been watching the EPA do as little as possible since 2017.
It is one of the great treasures of the world, the greatest arts in the world. If you think about it, it might be greater than almost any museum in the world and it is burning very badly. It looks like it is burning to the ground. So, so, that puts a damper on what we’re about to say, to be honest, because that…
Notre Dame is a building. A pretty one. An old one. But it’s just a building, and it IS replaceable. The people of Flint are dying and have been for far too long. This political game that Trump is playing with peoples’ lives is disgusting. 3,000 dead Puerto Ricans apparently isn’t bad enough to warrant dropping…
The burning of part of a building that didn’t hurt anyone, and will inevitably be restored and rebuilt is infinitely less important than one person/child going hungry or not having access to clean water for ONE DAY.
Charity, or, in this case, taxpayer-funded legislative aid, should perhaps begin at home.
I’ll drink it, if you will first.
Well, I’m sure when he heard the fighting Irish needed help, he rushed to help his fellow sufferers of the Irish curse.
Everyone needs to chill because it’s STILL THERE. Like, it’s fine. The ancient wooden roof and spire are gone, and that is very sad.