
All I can say is thank you! This guys version clicks so perfectly. I really enjoyed the followup, "What if episode 2 were good", I felt like I stepped into an alternate universe for a moment where this amazing script was the actual outcome of the new trilogy.

watched it. thank you.

I just noticed something - the Kickstarter for Frog Fractions 2 has added a new stretch goal! A $2 billion one!

Ah, so you're sad because it's harder to show your e-Peen to people, got it.

Yes. Have a friend stand next to you. When you come across one of Kotaku's many wonderful cosplay sections, close your eyes and continue scrolling, repeating the phrase "Is it over yet?" out loud to your friend until they confirm that it is over. Open your eyes and proceed with your Kotaku viewing experience,

Agreed. There are many fantastic tools for learning to play and read music online, but you will always be hindered without a guiding hand there, in the room with you, as you grow. You can't fix mistakes you're making if you don't even know you're making them, and by the time you do, it's too late to catch it and kill

"I'm still alive," Eddie Vedder once sung. And so he is.

That's true everywhere. I had a friend from Amagasaki in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, and he said he was from Osaka because who the hell has heard of Amagasaki (though everyone's heard of Kobe, and he may have been closer to Kobe). I'm from LA county, but not LA city. I actually try to stay accurate, but most people here

Yeah, it's called Path of Exile.

There, there little one. Hate us as much as you need, for we can take it. We are the master race.

Thank you Newsbusters.

Animated short? A future Zelda game should look like that.

You mean you're not supposed to violently smash into the wall every few seconds in those kinds of arcade racers? Looks like I've been doing it wrong

He can bowl, he can drink, he can drink and bowl. Alabama Man!!

Why even make dolls if for accurate ordinary depictions?

I'd like to see the goddamn blurays come into existence. It's been almost two decades since my VCR ate my VHS copy of Mask of The Phantasm. :|

The World Ends With You is such a great game. Lots of DS games in general make for pretty easy entry points - my friend that I got into Little Big Planet is interested in 999: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors now that I've described it to her, and I bet she'd love Professor Layton.

>Phoenix Wright

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
