Max Payne borrowed its most flamboyant trademark, and Stranglehold tried to do it in 3D, but no game has really captured the fell of a good old-fashioned Hong Kong action movie shootout. Maybe The Hong Kong Massacre can change that.
Max Payne borrowed its most flamboyant trademark, and Stranglehold tried to do it in 3D, but no game has really captured the fell of a good old-fashioned Hong Kong action movie shootout. Maybe The Hong Kong Massacre can change that.
Fuck this guy.
Hasn't aged well at all. Not as timeless as it used to be. LttP was by far superior. Always been more partial to MM myself.
The characters are similarly one-note in their humor. We expect Dandy to be a suave, pulp-fiction space hero based on his character design, but he’s just an incompetent loser who thinks he’s far cooler than he really is. QT is a robot—thus we expect it to be incredibly knowledgeable and intelligent—but due to outdated…
A job fair? 1999 mode enabled.
There is no why. They're Irrational.
It's amazing how unmemorable the characters of 13, 12, and 10 were compared with the hot streak that gave us Cecil, Rydia, Locke, Terra, Celes, and Aeris.
1st person in PvP is a handicap.
Really happy to see a Persona screen shot up there. Love P2: Innocent Sin and P2: Eternal Punishment. :)
"Persona, Persona! call out your Persona!"- Joker ; I replayed it a few days ago, such memories, this is my 1st ever SMT game and its still awesome
Why does everyone assume putting the keys with your phone is the only other option? You could just have them with your wallet. I can't imagine most people have wallets that are adversely affected by scratches. I keep my keys like that all the time. I suppose if you have a LOT of keys they might not fit. But then you…
Pal, if you really think maturity depends on which pockets you put stuff in I can only pity you.
In what world do you live in where it is more MATURE to put your wallet in one pocket or another?!?! What in the hell? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?
There's nothing grown up about putting your wallet in your back pocket. It's just bad for you and it's uncomfortable.
Left pocket phone, right pocket wallet. Keys are either attached by carabiner to my messenger bag or in the right pocket.
I still don't get the butt pocket thing. I think tradition is all that keeps it alive.
Wait....people actually sit on their wallets? What the hell? I always put my wallet in my front pocket. No sitting on it and it is quicker to grab.....why would anyone want to put their wallet in the back pocket?