Just waiting to see “You cant copyright a dance” commented and up-voted by a bunch of people who cant dance, or are learning to dance on Fortnite.
Just waiting to see “You cant copyright a dance” commented and up-voted by a bunch of people who cant dance, or are learning to dance on Fortnite.
I hate to say it but, that not actually true, since the 1970s. You just copyright it as choreography.
That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.
All this sounds like the typical “those guys are strict and old and bad, we are cool and hip and good” marketing strategy, you know, the same kind of downright propaganda tech companies have been engaging in since... forever maybe? Yeah, forever.
How do you know how much child porn is on tumblr or if there is any child porn on there? It sounds like you’ve been deliberately looking for it....
Tumblr is a victim of a series of acquisitions which have led to increasing restrictions on adult material over time. I can illustrate this with a brief timeline of two key events:
Nathan constantly equivocates on behalf of shitheads like PewDiePie by using soft bullshit words like “gaffe” to describe his repeated racist and anti-Semitic behavior, so you should be thankful that the guy on this beat is apparently only capable of throwing some seriously half-assed jabs because you’d be a grease…
What’s hilarious is that some outlets *COUGHKOTAKUCOUGH* have referred to FO76 as having a gone through “a lengthy beta period. I’m sorry, what? A lengthy beta period is not two days of intermittent play time, when servers aren’t crashing.
The game itself is broken, as are the players, we are all broken. which is why the only way to fix it all at once is with a update known as, “Fallout: Therapy edition!” Where you lay on a couch and an AI bot listens to all of your deep personal issues. ONLY 79.99 PER SESSION! BUY ‘FALLOUT: THERAPY EDITION!’ TODAY!
You are saying this game is in its infancy, but they still want $60+micro transactions. So it’s ok to release unfinished games at full price+?
I mean, the theory ignores the fact that Mr. Mime was just a random wild Pokémon the gang ran into that they tried to use to inspire another Mr. Mime and then he just kinda became Delia’s house servant because she cooked good food. He didn’t appear until Kanto was 3/4 over, after Ash had collected all 8 Gym Badges.
It’s not acknowledgment, it’s hand-waiving. It’s cowardly and pathetic. It’s like saying Jared Fogle’s opinion on child welfare shouldn’t tatter his sandwich selling legacy.
I dunno. From what I’ve observed with the forums it’s mostly people that are disenfranchised with modern MMOs and their communities. One of the things everyone talks about is making grouping up with people mean something. None of this queue and drop crap. Like even so far as once you join a group being able to stay in…
At this point, because it’s such a known quantity, I think the only way to make Lovecraftian horror work is to sneak it in where it’s not expected. Bloodborne’s got the look and feel of classic gothic horror- oh shit, celestial beings and great ones! True Detective, Season 1 is an investigation into an occult murder-…
I tweeted about this the other day, and got some irate reactions because I said I didn’t even think about the microtransactions in the game, and I was critiquing the YouTube climate of just getting in front of a camera and screaming about how every microtransaction is predatory, which I certainly don’t believe.
How distant are the days of Mortal Kombat’s green blood. How innocent we all once were.
WIthout any kind of hyperbole, the knowledge of these microtransactions, and how prevalent they are in the title, makes this a no-buy. I wanted to check out Origins when it became less expensive (I was burned by AC3 and haven’t played an AC title since), but the microtransactions seemed extreme.
I’m a straight woman of color and my dad sexually abused me. Let me spell out to you what incest meant to me. I can remember only a very few moments of my childhood ever being happy. There are no childhood photos of me smiling. I spent much of my childhood in my bed, under a blanket, crying. I was completely…
Not to be the “perfect for the Switch” guy but... God I wish they’d bring Xcom to the Switch. 1 or 2.
When you milk your customer base and don’t produce adequate results, you’ll get backlash and an uprising.