Didnt know you knew me so well! ;)
Didnt know you knew me so well! ;)
The fact that he couldnt even change the existing poses by slight degrees adds to the laziness. Why even have the girl on the left scratch her head??? Girl on the right could have the bent arm across her stomach or on her thigh. The middle chic could even prop her head up on her hand. I guess stripping them down and…
Oh honey, appearance will be joked about until the end of our miserable species, I'd bet on it.
All these years and she still hasnt eaten a sandwich :(
I tried so hard to like this game but I couldnt get into it. I was really interested by the loose narrative of PSO. It let you get into the action fairly quickly while moving the plot forward. PSU just dragged for me by placing a similar play style in a traditional JRPG structure. PSO was also my very first intro to…
Yet they still suck at making decent looking/acting hair?
I found 1-3, and Code Veronica had more slow tension and jumps than any of the RE's since. People will bitch and moan about the fixed camera and the limited ability of walk/run/shoot but by limiting your abilities it set some rules that helped make you feel vulnerable, conserve ammo and move with caution. Since RE4…
The question is CAN WE FLY YET?! Ive always thought the one thing RE games were missing was the power of levitation... that and the ability to fire lazers from Jill's nipples!
*sigh* I wish game companies had as much care and devotion to Marvel as they have had for the Batman series. :(
I... guess she didnt want to use any of the machine guns from those dead guys...
I didnt love it either. The villains of the plot had such an empty headed 'conquer the world!!!' plot that the film devolved into the heroes fighting over Loki like a football team with a roofied prom date.
Very cool! Its good to see SOE having real innovation even if EQ2 has fallen behind in the MMORPG market. I appreciate a company trying to incorporate tools for more immersion in an MMORPG instead of the 'MOR3 LOOTZ, MORE3 BOSSES, F2P and buy your way to success' formula. Its seemed, to me, that creating more ways to…
U winz the interwebs!!!
I think this a very good article. It isnt a blank, one-sided judgment. Ive never talked about raping, race or gender when expressing pleasure or displeasure over battling another person. My mind just doesnt connect those things to the games. While having someone gloat that they "raped" me (I ask myself was it a date…
Yeah something tells me if this were in south america, africa or the antarctic this would have never made kotaku... even including the fact that China isnt creating any really popular videogames, anime, or otaku type stuff.
No alien teammates? I dont like Mass Effect because we get to see a bunch of humans vs aliens recycled bs. The species diversity is key to me.
? sorry I never saw any other races that were turned in the game (or maybe I coudlnt identify them). I was talking actual npc enemies used in the game.
Really great designs, I was always surprised that the reapers only turned humans, asari, turians and krogan in the game. I'd assume since the drell are stealthy and agile they would be the the reaper equivalent to phantoms.
Errr god I have to get this off my chest, but can no studio make a fantasy MMO anymore due to the success of WoW? Was Brad McQuiad attempting to conjure the gameplay of WarCraft when he created EQ? People conveniently forget that WoW is based off an already established strategy game series. WoW used a formula that EQ,…