
All depends on whether those Hobgoblins snipe you or not.

Let’s not forget Daredevil: he’s a blind guy........who can see!

Bungie wasn’t involved in the last Halo release.

“Superman punched Zod through a building in Metropolis” in an objectively, factually incorrect statement (nevermind your even more ludicrous assertion of knocking down a building full of people), yet the psychological condition known as retroactive interference has led the entire internet to remember that there was

I'm 27 going on 28 and I am having the worst time getting Ascendant Shards :/

Please let there be space combat in ships (not on rails)...

you know, Lets look at a different take than the whole pc/consoles war thing. why the hell are there so few space games on the consoles? I mean really, a friend of mine who was enjoying x3 asked me to make a recommendation for him of any other game like it that he could play on his ps3 so his wife could get on the