
Guy's I work for Valve, the truth is that this entire thing is a sham by Gabe himself to see how people warm up to the new art style and hope people won't get pissed by the more cartoony look that Valve has been in love with these days!


Half-Life 3 CONFIRMED!


Looks liked a bird pooped on someones PS4

Nothing said will real in the tempered hatred of the Internet children.

There's no way something like that is gonna overwrite years of Spike telling me how cool smoking is.

Nope, Turns Out Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Is Not Better With A Mouse & Keyboard

My god I would love this.

Still could not care less. Im so over 20th century foxes version of x-history and x-men movies. The visual effects still look ho-hum. I have no confidence that it will be a good movie, even if bryan singer is the director.

It just makes me sad that 20th Century Fox will drive the x-men franchise into the ground until

My pleasure, Marc! And congrats again on the book.

Thanks for having conducted the interview, Geoff. I very much enjoyed it.

You weren't having a Jill Sandwich, were you?

Interesting, I figured Xbox Live would be too homophobic of a place for them to release their game on.

This is good gamification. Using problem solving skills, and strategies and terminology taken from games applied to real life in ways that people can understand easily.

I don't see why that matters. People often aren't properly paid for working hard or working correctly.

Yeah, but:

I would love to have these games but no services like PSN offer them in the UK. And now it's on iOS? Why did I choose to get a Windows Phone? ugh.

"We've gone on holiday by mistake."

I wonder how you came to that conclusion when I said nothing in my review about Dark Souls.

Um erm hmm I uh...wish the animation to getting into your Titan was faster! Yeah, that!

Sounds like the opinion of someone who has never dealt with severe depression before. If only it was that easy...