
I would totally buy those Buzzy the Knowledge Bug games again.

Because it's awesome?

Also, she looks gloomy and brooding, as many Game Gear owners are wont to be. (Source: Grew up with a Game Gear, watched friends play Ecco on SEGA CD, played it on GG.)

I really like how each "console" has inherited certain physical characteristics from key licenses to each console. The SEGA Saturn character has hair that deeply resembles NiGHTS' hat (or whatever those horns are), and Dreamcast totally has Ulala hair. I can't tell what console the most Sonic-y character (rightmost on

Tried to respond on my phone, think Kinja murdered it. It looks like Game Gear is the second from the right on the header image. The multicolored hair corresponds with the Japanese Game Gear logo.

God, this reminds me of Segagaga so much it hurts. At least I can actually play this one....sigh.

I think Game Gear is the second from the right in the header

Now THIS is Podracing!!!

Basically what I was going to say. Sometimes (basically always, in my experience) doing a good job is its own reward.

I'm so sick of hearing these arguments in favor of gaming. I've been gaming since I was four years old (also the same year I picked up the piano, two things I've intensely studied to this day), and I feel like it's an unequivocal fact that games, regardless of the medium of presentation, teach critical thinking skills

Both SEGA and Square Enix have been fairly decent at porting their mobile releases to Windows Phone (months later, but with 3% market share, ya can't really blame them), so I imagine we'll probably get this around August. Maybe. Hopefully. Perhaps?

Well, primarily NiGHTS, but PDS is definitely in my top 3 Saturn games. Not just those though: Panzer Dragoon/Zwei, Astal, Clockwork Knight/2, Bug!/Too!, Magic Knight Rayearth, Guardian Heroes, Dark Seed/II, Shining Force 3, Shining the Holy Ark, Mr. Bones, Duke Nukem 3D, SMT: DS: Soul Hackers, D, Enemy Zero, Radiant

Before I even clicked this, I knew the thumbnail would be from the Saturn infomercials.

I thought about writing a TAY about this, but since I gave up on Space Dandy on the third episode, I probably couldn't make a substantial post. The episodes of Space Dandy I saw did exactly what Richard is complaining about, through dialogue. Literally every situation in the first episode undermines the entire


Just an absolutely phenomenal developer. Can't wait to see what he does now that he's started his own company. Hopefully he gets a mention here, though I suspect we'll be buried under the Android/iOS devs.

This is amazing. They even included the Ultros sprite from FFVI at 6:18!!!

Side note: I didn't play XIII-2, because I played XIII. Does Ultros actually appear?

Luigi on the couch, what a fuckin' playa.


Came here to say this, the Target I work at (Austin) has at least four Xbox Ones in stock (sold only one today...), but no PS4's. We have 14 in the back, but we're being forced to delay putting them on the shelves until the start of each week, to coincide with ads, and they're being bought up immediately after opening.