
Hey, my dad used to drum for this band. Good on ya for posting this, Luke!

I don't think Microsoft is doomed, and I think they're actually about to see a major upswing, once Ballmer's out the door. But this whole Xbox One thing has been bungled in such a weird, puzzling way...

This is honestly the first I've heard of the Xbox button being non-physical. I like to think I've been keeping abreast of this news, but I guess not?

Honestly, this infographic says more about Microsoft's marketing for this box than anything I've seen thus far. If it's for gamers, we obviously already know how the "Home" button works. If it's for the mainstream, yes, they need this instruction. But are they going to pay $500 to tell their television to switch to

Did Phantasy Star Universe have cross-play?

I don't know what everyone's all excited about, this console generation started almost a year ago!

Wasn't JSRF an Xbox exclusive?

I almost don't want Shenmue to get a re-release, because I just know all those revisionist assholes are going to lambast it for "not holding up," which, while possibly a valid complaint from one perspective, hardly makes a work totally without merit. When the NiGHTS into dreams... remaster was released, I got sick of

This has been a feature in Windows 8 since launch. I can't imagine too much effort was really necessary to make this work, hardware-wise at least. They said that the One runs a reduced version of Windows 8, right?

This is the first Kickstarter that I would, without hesitation, give ALL my money too.

He's actually one of the only a cappella YouTubers I don't hate. He makes the most obnoxious faces though. His Streets of Rage 2/Chemical Plant Zone covers are incredible.

Every time I play through Ep 2 (I do a full Half-Life playthrough once a year, it's a summer tradition for me at this point), I spend at least 20 minutes at that damn cabin, trying to convince myself NOT to grab that stupid gnome.

The reason The Hobbit looked that way (and probably one of the reasons it was so much more expensive) was Peter Jackson's insistence on shooting at 48 fps.

The jump button appears to be pressing in the left trackpad. People complaining about the placement of X/Y seem to be overlooking this. By totally reconfiguring how you think about control inputs and button placements (binding jump to the same input device as movement makes a hell of a lot of sense), this could

The cat has three whiskers.

Guys there are three buttons on that controller


I honestly think this is a good thing, overall. People shout all the time about wanting video games to be legitimized as art, but one of the primary functions of art is to challenge our expectations, and subvert what we consider the norm in order to show us something about ourselves. I don't personally subscribe to

It's more the fact that the scene is unavoidable, that you're placed in a situation where you can't advance in the game without accepting a baptism. That implies a lot of things about religion in a social context, being forced upon people or what have you. It also (at least for me, an atheist) seemed to be implying

Now playing

Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. NiGHTS into dreams.... - Spring Valley