
These speakers look and sound great. One of the few higher end non subwoofer pc speaker systems out there, great for delivering balanced sound that won’t upset my neighbors. The design hasn’t really changed all that much in the years these have been out but there is a bluetooth version available as well for cord

These speakers look and sound great. One of the few higher end non subwoofer pc speaker systems out there, great for

Did Lucio really need a buff? Jesus, he was already top-tier. I get the skating part, but the speed up puzzles me.

You have to remember that PoTG only captures about 5 seconds of action... which means if you kill 7 people in 15 seconds, you’ll lose out to the guy who killed 3 people in 5 seconds.

They’re nice, but not worth the price. We’ve gotten them as gifts. (also, once you have them, you are married to their trash bags.

They’re nice, but not worth the price. We’ve gotten them as gifts. (also, once you have them, you are married to

I can't watch the video atm but while it seems pretty harmless it does seem assholish to do it to social services who actually deal with important shit. I'm more okay with it being done to like Walmart or whatever because the most they typically do is answer stupid questions of customers or deal with the occasional

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Can we get The Movies on as well?

I’m doubting the 4K part. In order to achieve that at 30 FPS consistently you are looking at a substantial CPU and GPU upgrade. We’re talking aboost up to at least a current gen i3 or last gen i5, and over twice the GPU shading power of a PS4 so greater than GTX 970 or aorund GTX 980/980ti territory.

It’s the guns, the people, the situation they find themselves in, the lack of responsibility, the ease at which people can acquire firearms, the lack of sincerity when acknowledging the damage they can quite easily inflict, the lack of education on responsible gun ownership, the way people fetishize gun ownership, and

On on a tangent, the blind adoration of some people for Force Awakens irks me. I liked the movie, didn’t love it and was let down in some areas, but still enjoyed it. If you admit that much to people or lord forbid, you didn’t like it at all, your in for a tongue lashing. It’s like the movie already has rose-colored

It’s probably in sixth place in the pantheon of Star Wars movies for me. Entertaining, yes, but we can do better.

Releasing a late, but totally awesome game that lived up to expectations?

Apparently, I’m in the minority but I am fuckin’ stoked for this. Any time I’m getting around on my sparrow I almost always comment on how I just wanna race around on it.
Totally cool by me!
Everyone else can be angry about everything, I guess.

Quality and Quantity > Brand Awareness

The biggest problem with this specific type of DLC is that the developers being interviewed seem to think that the purchasers of the game understand what their budget and development schedule look like. They act as though this extra race was never supposed to be in the game at all but they took a risk and extended

The idea of it being “equal” is clearly daft. Right or wrong there are many many many more men in positions of power and acting as professional game critics than there are women - forcing it to be equal (in terms of judge genders) makes no logical sense.

That would have been my call, and no, we would not have. I think the issue raised here is interesting and worthy of discussion, but I don’t read the gender ratio of the judges as intentional exclusion that would compel me to protest the awards.

Well, a high-priced acquisition of a one-note developer... no way this could blow up in their faces!

Anyone else find the same thing? I’ve had friends and colleagues who have come around on everything from Call of Duty (with Advanced Warfare) to Civilization (V).