
The problem is there isn’t really such a thing as “true imagination”. Every creative work is ultimately just remixing the creators own experiences, knowledge, and influences. AI can’t go beyond it’s dataset for the same reason we can’t, doing so just produces nonsense and noise. We need to have a conversation about

1. They’ve had COD DLC as a timed exclusive of more than a year for over a decade now. The most recent iteration of this was locking the Zombies game mode (a major selling point for a lot of buyers) behind a 1 year timed exclusivity period.

I actually think plenty of great and big games came out. I would argue that the media coverage has been centering on fewer and fewer games. So many times a big game would come out and there would be like 5 articles a day about the same game. Then the podcasts and highlight reels were all the same game. Steam new

At least EA let’s you continue to play their duds THAT YOU PAYED FOR years after they've failed. This is so fucking embarrassing for Square

The comment you’re responding to suggests it’s not much of a detriment to go without a scoreboard. You generally know if your team is up or down.

Two of us were recovering, mostly healed (80%+)“

I picture that situation and I have to say, getting punished for everyone just staying clustered up is probably okay.

Walking into any store in MA right now youll get shit for not wearing one, which is the right attitude and why we’re doing so well imo

That is for sure the biggest issue they are going to face with this. What’s going to make one planetary surface stand out versus the tens of thousands of similar ones? What’s to keep this from functioning very similarly to everything else that’s in game already which is just based around “find a good example of the

I’ve seen quite a few complaints on the reveal that it’s not just BG1+2 with better graphics, but honestly, I don’t think it should be.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Calling it how I see it. It doesn’t affect you, so you’re not bothered by it. It affects me, so I’m bothered by it. They have lost a good chunk of my good will toward them with their recent decisions, this one included, so I’m comfortable sitting here and saying that.

Still the only games that got Lightsaber combat right.  That you would have the blades bounce off each other and it could just take one solid hit to kill any enemy.  Most games will make the lightsaber feel like a baton.  Not Jedi knight, this was the real deal.

And the fact you can get the ingame currency without paying real money via trades with other players is also pretty sweet:) I’ve made over 8000 plat without ever spending a dollar:D

From what I’m reading, it’s “same city, same universe, previous games are canon, but new adventure set some time after the old games.”

UGH. I was afraid of this. They’re going to make Illidan a ‘misunderstood, but edgy bad ass’ instead of the whiny little snot that would have been at home in a Brony convention, and make his death on Icecrown even more obvious that he (apparently) didn’t die (after the first few edits to that cinematic).

Then we’re

The vibe I keep getting here is of a slightly deeper/more narratively complex Destiny.

It absolutely reeks of follower syndrome, and it’d be really, really nice if Bioware either forged new pathways with new IP, or gave fans games they want (such as a Mass Effect title that isn’t Andromeda—or a new Dragon Age).


This is the most dead-on take. The same people complaining about this firing actively cheer and propagate an atmosphere in which this precise type of firing is commonplace. In other words, they approve of the tactic, they just don’t like seeing it applied to people whose views they agree with. We should all be against

I thought this was a pretty meh taek when it appeared on Polygon a week or so ago and I think it’s even more meh now.

Call me a pessimist, but this looks like a killer in, it will kill Bioware.