When Nintendo announced the New Nintendo 3DS, it said the portable was more powerful than the original. After…
When Nintendo announced the New Nintendo 3DS, it said the portable was more powerful than the original. After…
I hate to say it, but that does not look like Harrison Ford.
AVP 2 is where its at
Bulllllshit. AvP 2 is the far better game. AvP 1 gave me motion sickness. Nothing has ever given me motion sickness. AvP 2 is where it's at. Predalien fo lyfe!
I think they kinda blew it on the design here. The exterior of the handheld should have looked like the original console: grey bottom half, white upper half with the strip on the side. The interior meanwhile should have looked like the original game pad with red buttons, grey D-Pad, and the rest. Not sure what could…
I disagree that the way many people talk about games, the lenses they look at them through, is from the place of an art critic. To me, being an art critic requires a level of respect and understanding for art. Many people who claim to be supporters of these social issues, have none.
What drove Gamergate is gamers feeling they found clear reasons for journalist and bloggers to lose the moral authority that they have been asserting for a few years now. Lots of people who support it feel some type of way about different things, but I think that's what drove it. Gamers have been given the impression…
See, this bugs me quite a bit. Back when she released her first video, I felt there were some problems with it, so, as best I could, I explained why I felt that way. People chose to take it as "concern trolling," and much, much worse. Her defenders, at the time, remind me of the same people who attack and deride her.
I'll miss you Brawl in the Family.
In what world does QA* make $54,833 a year? I've never seen someone make more than $15/hr at QA unless they were a lead and even then, the pay isn't great and there's no standard for overtime.
EDIT: * In video games. QA in enterprise software can make a hell of a lot more.
Because it SOUNDS, and FEELS as though you are snapping EVERY pin off of the CPU.
Is this... is this Redwall art!? Those books were the shit.
He played it live right in front of me on a PS4.
I'm so bored of all these fake "outrages".
Microsoft gets me. *chugs a natty ice* *punches nerd in the junk* WOOOOO!!! VIDEO GAMES!
It makes me a little sad that this is going to be the tin can people beat on for the next few years when there are many more relevant issues in the gaming industry.
The new Origin Jumpworks commercial is the best:
Butt animations, you say?
That's a FOV issue, not an FPS one