
I love this, but Marshall is the Porsche of audio. They charge 5x what everything should cost.

When I was with my band in the 80's, I played through a Marshall SLP100 half stack and a '78 Les Paul. They were like $600 back then on the used market. Now the ampl alone is over $2000, with another $800-$1000 for the

Yes it is, stop going to the dealer. I'll take a 1999 to 2003 BMW M3 any day. Easy to work on, easy to get cheap parts, and if you have to have someone work on it never EVER take it to the dealer.

1) Buy new VW with turbo, tout impressive MPGs and turbo efficiency.

Very true. The main reason you see most going to turbos is that 95% of people rarely put a load on their trucks and those who do usually get a 3/4ton or larger with a diesel. Of course if they were smart, they would look at making a 1/2 ton diesel electric. You would then have all the range and towing ability you

Sorry, I had to...

I'll probably get killed for this but ill bet when people see the Chevy SS in person in black or red they are going to completely change their opinion on them. Why GM chose that silver for its show car is beyond me. It makes it look tall, huge and bloated not to mention the bowtie looks like shit(IMO). Some nice after

Well thats easy. From this

Am I the only one who had to look up what the hell an MKS, MKX and MKT were?

For me to poop on!

As a lawyer, I have to say that this is a lot of hubub about nothing. Save your outrage for when someone actually is found liable for texting someone that is driving, because I doubt it will ever happen. The way tort law works in the US, there is virtually no action that a court can say is per se not negligence

So we are getting rid of all personal responsibility?

Are you being serious? How is this truck at fault? Did you not watch the video. If you don't like big trucks on the road, I suggest you find a greenway trail to keep you off the roads.

Wish I could throw the airline under the air bus, but I don't know the name of the airline this took place on. My sister is an RN. One of her co-workers was flying from London to NY as part of her trip home. Her co-worker is deathly allergic to peanuts. So much so that she can't be around them. She informed the

At the 10 second mark (Basically as soon as the truck enters the frame) the Peugeot driver's brake lights can be seen. If you're about to get a pounding in the rear by a multi-ton truck, why on earth would you make it worse by hitting the brakes?

Second-gen Monte Carlo wants its fenders back, please.

As a former atheist: These kind of comments just make me sad. Mainly because I'd like to have a conversation about faith. Everyone has faith. Atheism is a religion by a strictly social scientific definition. It just answers most of the questions like "what happens after death" with "nothing" but it still provides

You are just another copy of the internet's most annoying users, trolls. Meh.