Google's Best guess for this image: diesel exhaust fluid symbol
Google's Best guess for this image: diesel exhaust fluid symbol
Funny video, this started playing on its own. I had to scroll half-way down the page to find the video that was playing and actually start it from the beginning. Also some people would find this extremely annoying.
How the HELL did they get those local news stations to air their "reports" on this "product"? Isn't this sort of like payola, or at the very least free advertising?
I agree, but the extra 20hp isn't the point (the auto is actually quicker to 60 mph than the manual, go figure). The auto version is not nearly as fun on the track (or anywhere else).
Ohm my God, this is such an electrifying story, and I'm shocked. Watt was he thinking about?
It's official. Car guys no longer run BMW.
Toyota 5EFe found in the Tercel and Paseo. This is a tiny 1.5L DOHC 16 I-4 with only 93-110 hp. But man this thing is such an enthusiastic, rev-happy, and responsive mill that's tough as nails. I wish I could put this thing in a go-kart. I say it's under appreciated because you don't hear much talk about it, like…
I don't think you understand what a rear fog light does.
Nope. It's a pro-American muscle car post if anything.
If Alfa wants to be competitive in the U.S., it will have to consider its already very-well established rivals. It will have to do something unique and superior to those rivals, besides just being Italian. Because this is America, V-8 RWD muscle cars are in abundance for cheap. CHEAP. And if someone cares about the…
That's just like, your opinion, man.
What's with the trippy expanding/contracting bubble-like effect of the car at around 2:15? I thought I was hallucinating. Is this an effect of a steadycam or something?
I'm one of those people that just loves Preludes. Every time I see one (clean) on the street, I am tempted to hunt down the owner and make an offer.
5th gen Prelude. Actually, any Prelude, but 5th gen in particular. An unmolested example is nearly impossible to find, and if you do find one, even high-mileage examples (100+k) can still command $8-9k. If you can find one with < 60k, easily $10-11k. This is for a 12 to 16 year-old car. I still want one.
You're seriously going to try to debate debate the meaning of "sports car"? Google has no fewer than 54+ million results for this term. I understand you have to draw the line somewhere, but that line is very very fuzzy.
Zero transmission problems, as I had the 5-speed manual. This was without a doubt one of the funnest cars I've ever owned. Mine was the GLS VR6, so with the manual, it was a blast to drive, especially with the traction control ("ASR" or something like that) off. I definitely had a love/hate relationship with this car,…
Volkswagen lost me forever after my debacle with this lovely piece of automotive shenanigans - behold the 2002 Jetta Wagon. Genuine Made in Mexico quality, permanent CEL, AM/FM *CASSETTE* radio, detachable "VW" wheel disks (that come off automatically!), self-detaching front bumper, exclusive DEALER-ONLY oil changes…