
While I can't really disagree with the primary assertion of this article, just remember that this is an extremely small, geographically localized sample size (152 in one case, 274 in another). Maybe just Californians in SF with BMWs and Priuses are douchebags. This really seems like an amateur study with more

Funniest Jalopnik comment ever.

The interior is terrible. In fact, it's one major reason I decided against getting one. It feels crowded and I just couldn't get comfortable in the damn thing. Hated the Recaros, touchscreen, ugly shifter, etc. No dealers in my area had any base model examples, and I was not going to consider a BRZ. I think the

I think this began with the mistake of bringing it to the US under the Scion brand. energy from compressing air.

Saturn (when it existed), Carmax, and Scion all agree.

I share your family's hate of VWs. After owning a Jetta and having it work approximately 50% of the time during my entire ownership of the thing, I swore off VWs for all time. Being that much of it could not be serviced by non-VW mechanics, I was often at the mercy of my local crooked VW dealership.

So VWs will no longer be conceptualized and built from the ground up for the purpose of being reliable, stable, and uniquely functional, rather they will be built to maximize assembly line efficiency and profit. I stopped having respect for VW about 10 years ago, and now I have even less. Yes, negative respect.

I actually liked the style and level layout of NSMB. My beef with it was the huge control latency issue - it was very bad on complex levels, to the point where it was nearly unplayable. I know I'm not the only one. I'm not sure if was the wireless controller or what, but I didn't have this problem in other Wii

Wow, VHS Super-Long Play mode.

I think these are actually still made in one form or another in Serbia under the nameplate Zastava. Last I heard, they use Fiat engines.

You win. Didn't even think of this one.

'79 - '82 Fiat Strada. Worst pieces of junk Fiat ever made. The thing literally fell apart from within and rusted from without. I'm pretty sure this car is one of the major reasons they tucked their Italian tails between their legs and high-tailed it back home.

Drive A Broken A Citroen.

TIL there is almost no cool car you can own that doesn't make you look like as asshole.

If you've got the balls to actually buy one of these and drive it without killing yourself, you're the (wo)man. I have nothing but respect for Vipers and their owners and never think of them as asshats, mostly because I KNOW their driving a manual.

I have this reaction when I see a Civic Si sedan. Damn if those things aren't ugly. I test-drove one once and I felt like an immediate douche. It's hard to explain. It's a pretty capable car, but I truly hated it and could not imagine myself actually owning one.

I hate the stereotype Corvettes have (any generation really) because objectively, they are really awesome cars. I mean you can get serious exotic-level performance for a fraction the cost of a "true" exotic, used or new.

Yep, I actually learned from my parents who both drove stick and still do — it's completely normal for their generation. I learned on a '79 Fiat Strada.

Glad to see the Tercel on this list...because I own one, and yes it's fun because it's practically made of tinfoil and bicycle tires. The only problem is, people make fun of it. A friend of mine recently called it a "Rolls C'Nardly".