
I’d probably just steal the robot too.

Mine would probably bark until it yields, or knock it over with her butt 

Not any place where I live or spend any significant period of time (like in my living room). And I absolutely do not trust an always-on microphone from Google any further than a room that I spend limited time in and only ever by myself.

I think I’d turn it upside down and put a bow on it just to make a point.  :p

The difference is that it’s not the government watching us (mostly). It’s private corporations with absolutely zero accountability. That’s . . . better, somehow? I guess?

The difference is the Russians had no choice.  We are gladly welcoming this into our homes....cause....Freedom? 

I think if I had gone through the trouble of breaking into someone’s house, smashing this thing to bits would be first on my priority list. Certainly wouldn’t allow it to follow me around like some dystopian snitchdog. 

A goofy domestic helper reminiscent of R2D2”?

Amazon has basically invented a less effective version of a dog that attempts to snitch on you. And for only $1,000 to the Amazon superfans who, I guess, must exist somewhere.

An old high school acquaintance who’s a computer scientist posted the trailer to social media today. Assuming he did so to dunk on it, I penned a comment tonally similar to the piece above. Luckily I paused and realized the guy had WORKED on the damned thing and was posting proudly about it. Yikes.

I like this headline a lot better than “Woman Who Would Have Cured COVID Left STEM Because Parents Told Her She’d Never Get a Man in that Lab Coat”.

This is why we can’t have nice things, because no one in this country can see beyond the end of their own nose.

I really hope to pay mine off before my next birthday.

Anyone who says something like this is a conservative, regardless of what their voter-registration card says about party affiliation.

Person: “I want a better life for my kids.”

Yeah all the complainers talking about “you gonna pay my mortgage too?” or some other shit...gtfo. This is a crisis on so many levels. And those same people complaining about that are also many of the ones talking about economic recovery. What better way to help the economy (and more importantly, the people) recover

Are all of Jezebel’s movie reviews just contrarian for the sake of being contrarian now? I thought this movie was great and so succinctly displayed the trauma and terror of an abusive relationship. I recommend it. 

Horror/Monster movies, which this is not a psychological thriller with an ambiguous ending, show many people get tortured and die. The protagonist is often suffering and tortured.many times over before defeating the monster/villain. I think Rich is bad a reviews and genres from reading his stuff through the years. He

You wish the movie would have let the audience decide whether to believe an abuse victim or not? You wish it would have reveled in the ambiguity of whether the female protagonist was crazy and paranoid or being haunted/abused/targeted by a conspiracy, as countless other movies have done? Go watch Unsane, I guess.