
At this point, they really shouldn’t have released the results until they had 100%. 

Ok, so I’ve not really delved all the way in to this, but it’s my understanding that the author has a grandparent from Puerto Rico.

“It remains unclear what ultimately led her to believe that the people crossing the border needed to be rendered human, and to whom she purported to humanize them—particularly since there is already a large body of work about the topic of contemporary immigration, written by Latinx authors and amassed over decades.” -

I know this is referring to an almost 20 year old book but I had a similar reaction to Ann Patchett’s Bel Canto which won lots of awards and made her famous, but in which she took (without explicitly acknowledging anywhere in the book, a foreword or afterword) a very real, very painful, very controversial event rooted

On the slim chance that Jeanine Cummins is reading this: There’s still time to make it right! You can’t go back in time and not write your book, nor can you go retroactively spend time with actual migrants for material. What you can do is donate some of your advance (and money earned from subsequent editions) to

My question is kind of besides the point but: If you’re going to write a book about migrantes, as she would apparently say, why would you choose an upper middle class family? I get that this is tied into cartel stuff, but aren’t these rarely the people that need coyotes to get them across the border? Like, why

This is a great article and makes great points, but I do want to clarify something: opioids CAN be life-saving drugs. Extreme pain can lead to skyrocketing blood pressure, which untreated can lead to stroke, aneurysm, or myriad other life-threatening conditions within a short time, and cause other life threatening


If the way the wind is blowing currently, I would say:

Exactly and also note he was gently grabbed by other people (who let go right after) and all he did was smile and greet them. Aggression is never acceptable. I wouldn’t react well to being grabbed in any way.

Agreed. I think it was way he reacted so quickly. He was so impatient and slapped her hand so she would let him go.

I get that he’s the Pope of the people and all that, but he still doesn’t deserve to be grabbed—he’s not public property. Because if some guy had grabbed a woman like that, and she had slapped his hand away, we’d probably think it was OK, right?

I honestly don’t blame him. I don’t care who the person is, you should not grab them unless you are pulling them out of the path of a moving car or they are on fire.

I think the bias towards old Democrats is what’s whitening the stage. The top 3 are all 70+ which is a tad bit ridiculous.

Castro is a good guy and viable candidate but for some goddamn reason Biden is still standing and Petey has sucked the air out in these early stages. Castro will find his way to a VP nom and, if not on the winning ticket, he’ll definitely have a cabinet seat.

Got dragged to Starlight Express with the family when I was around 15 and can confirm that this video is completely accurate, that’s basically exactly what I remember


It feels like there is a new post every day on Jez about Cats. It’s like some new form of promotion that’s like negging, but to get you to see movies.

Like, I used to love The Aristocrats, but then these cats were just so not cute.

This is utterly horrific. First raped, then burned alive? That poor woman.
And 32,000 rapes in all of India? Given the population of India (over one billion) and the enormous stigma attached to rape, the actual number is many times that.

It’s about fucking time. This is long overdue. Virginity checks are medical bullshit based entirely on control.