
They need a break from Trump.

Except that’s not how the scene plays out in context. This is not a scene about a young teenager getting facts wrong. No one in the show points out that her explanation is wrong  and dismissive, nor does anyone offer a correction. The show frames her explanation as correct. That’s the problem.

Fantastic, the top comment here says that pansexuality is stupid, thus proving my point. Ffs.

It just means attraction regardless of gender, and depending on your definition of bisexual, it’s just a different word for bisexual. The distinction I’ve mostly seen people use for why they identify as one or the other is that bi people often (but not always) have gender preferences whereas pan people don’t have

Ok, I mean this in all honesty - can someone PLEASE help me to understand what pansexuality is? I remember Bella Thorne coming out saying she was pansexual, and the explanation I got from it was basically, “It’s kinda like being bi, but you want sex more - and you consider yourself non-binary.” So, is it someone who’s

I’m glad it was a good apology. “I’m sorry that what I did made you feel hurt” instead of “I’m sorry *if* you misinterpreted” or whatever.

Honestly something that put me off identifying as pan for ages was that when I first encountered the word online, there were people saying ‘I’m attracted to men, women, trans people, whoever!’ which just seemed transphobic to me. I think the discourse has moved on since then, but I agree that a 13 year old may well

Yep. It would’ve probably been better had they addressed the tensions than trying to “educate” the audience about pansexuality as if they were an authority, though I do believe the show uses experts to help them write. It’s all still a work in progress.

The issue to me seemed to not really be the scene within the context of the show, but the fact that Netflix used it as a standalone clip for promotional purposes - iirc the accompanying tweet said something like ‘this makes so much sense!’ which I think meant ‘it makes so much sense for Ali Wong to join the cast of

It seems like you might have missed the mark here. The folks I know who ID as pan do so because they feel like the “bi” in bisexual implies that they are really only into folks in the binary, and that excludes trans folks who are nonbinary. While this show’s explanation of pansexuality may have implied that trans

I’m usually smart enough to ignore someone who’s most likely trolling here, but since you’re already out of the greys, I’d like the chance to explain something: if the pansexual label seems “stupid” to you, then it’s not for you. Move on. It’s not that hard to do.

For the record, just opening a dictionary of sexual terms discredits your assertion. Second, even WITHIN the queer community there are people who have a problem understanding gender identification and sexual spectrum. So precise terms such as bi or pan HAVE their use. Not our fault if people are biased with their own

Yeah, pretty much every budding pansexual who’s exceptionally proud of it (enough to make it a part of their social introductions) tends to soapbox about how bisexuality is too exclusive and binary. It’s an understandable but incorrect misunderstanding.

I kinda thought that was part of the joke tbh

Maybe the problem is with the term “pansexual” which is fucking stupid, and as you pointed out, insulting to anyone who is trans as it implies they aren’t really the gender they say they are.

It’s always fun to watch shows try and tackle in single episodes topics that within LGBT+ circles have had discussions that have gone on for years and still at many times cause quite some arguments.

Yeah, I don’t think the character having that opinion was the issue, but they could have been more explicit about highlighting the nuances. Especially because to me that scene also seemed to be about educating the audience.

One particularly annoying outcome of this was how quickly ‘this cartoon’s description of pansexuality is actually kinda transphobic and biphobic’ became ‘lol pansexuals are annoying and fake and just want to be special’ from supposedly woke LGBT people on Twitter. Everything I used to hear people say about bisexuality

She also calls bisexuality “so binary.”

man, some of y’all are never happy 

Trying to justify it by saying these are “industry-standard established ranges based on experience” is especially fucked-up, given the strength of their resumes. He had one movie screenwriting credit and one “story by” credit prior to Crazy Rich Asians. She’d been writing for television for two decades. It’s a flimsy