

I still remember when Peppa told Barbara Streisand that she wouldn’t be switching seats with her so that the camera was on Babs’ good side for their interview. That shit took some major pig ovaries!


She is shaped like a hair dryer.

Real quick reminder that if you label yourself as an “incel”, the reason you can’t get laid is because you’re an intolerable bore, a wastrel, a creepy gremlin, and a backasswards dullard who couldn’t reason his way out of an open doorway, or into functional society - which is far, far easier.

Jesus, that’s exactly what we need - legitimizing incel violence and the angry guy who can’t accept that the mean girl just wants to be friends.Of course the girl is an evil manipulative bitch rather than just someone hanging out with someone she sees as a friend. We’ve got enough awful violent incels who think that

He’s like a male lolita, he’s darling and I love him and his commitment to sparkle motion. Like, this kid has skillz too.  I’m impressed by him and I don’t feel the least bit cynical about it.

sometimes it’s just about improving the appearance of your complexion. if you don’t like your bare complexion in the mirror because of tone, redness, acne, or whatever, it’s a big hit to self-esteem. so, some people choose to cover it up even if they don’t wear a ton of makeup to do it. if your friends don’t want or

We put a lot of stuff on our faces. Trying to wash off makeup or sunscreen at the end of the day with just water is an exercise in futility.

We’re definitely conditioned from the very beginning to shy away from anything remotely associated with girls. Don’t play with dolls, don’t wear pinks (or other bright colors), be physical and on and on. I make an effort to step out of that kind of upbringing as much as possible but it’s still something I have to

Even if these brands begin to display softer depictions of what it means to be a man (accountable, fathering, not straight, white, etc.) they are still building an ideal vision of masculinity to sell back to consumers”

I don’t know if there could be a shittier set of ingredients for a relationship than age imbalance, power imbalance, uncertain sexual compatibility, vulnerability brought on by mental health diagnoses and an oppressive, reactionary, emotionally manipulative climate.

First one I think she just wants him to spice things up and make some effort to be spontaneous.

Man, Hot For Pastor is just barking up all the wrong trees, and I think your advice is spot on, Nerdlove. He needs to get out of that church. And if he really is a minor and a 20 something youth pastor is subtly making moves on him, he probably needs to consider reporting that dude to some kind of authority.

I know. Like he’s too good to grab my boobs and make a honk-honk noise? Like he’s sooooo much better than me?

The important question is whether he would respect me enough to touch me if I requested it.

I have always found it odd that often in business settings, i.e a retirement party or some function, men will often hug an outgoing female co-worker, shake hands with a male one and no one seems to object. And you see it on TV relentlessly if you cop shows, the male supervisor will touch the arm or put an

I love Keanu Reeves as much as the next normal person. Not an obsessive stan but he truly seems to be a good guy and I enjoy seeing him in things.

So they are genetic clones?