
God, it is so depressing. And how blatant that facts don’t matter. To actually admit that it is made up but justify that it is “in his heart”.

I’d divorce and remarry for this.

Even a wanted, planned pregnancy can be hell on a mother; I can’t imagine having the trauma of rape piled on top, as well. You are incredibly strong. Thank you for sharing your story. 

b-b-but, he was totally okay with the idea of HER using HER body to bring his offspring into the world, surely he can’t also be punished! MENS RIGHTS

I'm so very sorry. I was lucky enough to have tons of support, but that didn't take away the emotional pain. To make matter worse, the pregnancy itself was very difficult. I had hypermenesis (sp?) and some other issues that just made the whole 9 months physically miserable. I still have back problems to this day that

From one survivor to another, I am so sorry for what you went through. You are unbelievably courageous. I love that you mention how much support you received and how it was still difficult. My mother stopped speaking to me and took me off of her insurance after I was raped. If I had gotten pregnant there is no way I

If you can’t make me donate blood, or an organ in a situation that will save someone’s life, you can’t make a pregnant woman carry a pregnancy to term. I don't believe fetuses are people, but this takes that debate point out of the equation. 

I’m so sorry. That sounds incredible painful.

I kept the child conceived by rape. At the time, I was living with my family, and abortion could never have really been an option for me because of them and how I was brought up. I love my son, I wouldn’t trade him for anything, but that pregnancy was hell. Physically and mentally. I can honestly say that if I were

That all sounds logical, but then Trump got elected president. In previous elections, he was considered a fringe candidate. But somehow, over time, he managed to move enough of the party to his side and got enough votes to be elected. Now, sure, between actual voters and citizens who could vote but don’t, he still

I had this conversation with my idiot SIL. She told me babies were being aborted one day before they were due. I explained that was a lie & told her she could be against abortion all she wanted. She then said that there should be an exception for rape. I asked why, she could not articulate an answer. We went around a

Does this make me guilty of manslaughter in Alabama since the 5 day old fertilized egg that was implanted in me and DESPERATELY wanted never implanted. Fuck you Alabama. Fuck you so much.

I think if they’re going to charge women, no exceptions, then they should do DNA tests on all stillborn and aborted fetuses and charge the male parent equally, no exceptions.

I mean if they want women under 100% control of their menfolk, then the men are the ones to be held accountable for “their” women, right?  /s

No, the logical endpoint is we let the south form their own Christian run country (think white ISIS) and we build a wall around them until they all die off.

a mother of an aborted baby is considered untouchable whereas any other mother, killing any other family member, would be called what she is: a murderer.

I am staunchly pro-choice. I believe that the only people that should be making any decisions at all about a pregnancy are the woman who is pregnant and her physician. However, if these forced birth zealots were consistent, they would not believe in any exceptions. How can you have the(misguided) belief that abortion

Any time the word “sin” appears I know that person is not worth listening to. We need to pry the church out of our government.

“If it falls, Republicans will get a chance to rewrite personal liberties in the mold they see fit.”

It is not jsut simply legal trolling - it is just trolling. This really comes across as more or less gothic LARPing, with the percieved added benefit of upsetting fundies. Be you, do your thing, and be happy - just do not expect a lot of people to take you and your performance activism seriously. I do nt need a ritual

For me personally, I was truly shocked by people that I thought I knew well, or love very much, showing themselves to be hard core supporters of not only Trump himself, but his appointees and their atrocious policies.