
Isn’t it well known that Ru is pretty much over personally doing drag? Not only has she been doing it for decades, but the level of drag expected of her requires a lot of time and effort. And then, like she says, it’s uncomfortable. Outside of the Drag Race critiques and finale I can’t remember the last time I saw Ru

I have and you are incorrect. The muscle mass, muscle density, size, and bone density gained during male puberty doesn’t just go away once you start transitioning. Not to mention the fact that not everyone transitions at the same time during their lives. 

People are different. “I used to be a boy” is the way I generally frame my own transness. I know where I came from.

As far as I can tell, they think they’re addled butch women, who have been brainwashed by the Trans Agenda into thinking they’re not good enough as women, or that butchness / lesbianism is shameful.

We’re so absolutely downright uncommon. There aren’t enough of us!

I think conservatives and TERFs think that that guy *should* be in women’s spaces. 

This. All day. If this turns into another 2016 where the Bernie stans can’t get behind whoever gets the nomination and go for the Green party I’m going to lose my fucking mind. What sort of privilege does it take to think it’s better to let the republicans win again then it is to make sure they don’t get to continue

I should have added that we can’t discount the impact a more progressive candidate could have on turnout in the swing states. Sanders had a major upset over Clinton in the 2016 primary in Michigan. I think he, Warren, and possibly Buttigieg might be able to energize the progressive vote.

I could barely read this over my own internal screaming. Does WoLF not see the snide smirking of the Tucker Carlson’s of the world as they do their hateful work for them? They are being played.

We need to evolve, but we also need to listen to why people are having hesitations and why these people from all different directions and parts of life are seemingly, confusingly to some, finding some common ground and really understand them. I do see myself identifying with SOME ideas that seem to get me labeled

I will not vote for Biden in the primary. I will of course vote for him in the general when he is the nominee, because fuck Trump and his Nazi buzzard administration. I really, really want to vote for Warren though.

Your take is the best take! Milano needs to find some woods to wander in.

I may not vote for Biden in the primary—but I’m voting for whomever gets put on the ballot from the Democrats. Literally nothing is more important than beating the Republicans; they’ve already gotten as many SCOTUS appointments as Obama has over his entire term, and they’re packing the lower Federal courts with the Fed

Me too. It’s laughable that some folks consider me threatening; I wish they could see how regular, normal, and boring my life with my family is.

Electability is a developing code word for “no women; no blacks, no gays; no socialists.”

Fuck this concept in the ear with the sharpest dick. Same goes for Alyssa Milano’s hot take.

I’m fucking tired of being a political issue...

Now playing

I’m just going to leave this here... because as usual, Natalie hits the nail on the head

“Come on. How wrong does something have to be for a Christian, pro-family organization and a radical feminist organization to oppose it together?”

This is an incredible accounting of a complicated issue. When I was an active member of NOW, in the late 80s and 90s, I remember my bible being the anthology Sisterhood is Power and joining other women to watch William F. Buckley debate Faye Wattleton (where Wattleton cleaned-up). We joked about S.C.U.M. and made our