
It isn’t about sterilization at all. It is more- “if you want to be recognized officially as the opposite sex - get the surgery to make your body match your identity first”. The surgery makes one sterile as a byproduct.

While this is still a terrible thing, it isn’t written exactly as
“If you’re trans we’re going to sterilize you.” It is written as“for us to recognize you as a new gender you must be have undergone total reassignment surgery.” They are required to take the sterilization of the surgery and all possible health risks

Yeah, but most of them can be traced back to that asshole Perry forcing Japan to open its borders in the first place, leading it to modernize in order to survive in the global market.

C’mon, Japan...I want to love you, but between this and restarting the whale hunts, you’re making it very difficult.

Some of us want to ogle the pretty men, but we do not want to be grinded upon. I’m personally excited about this development. One idea is is that they can do on-stage seating as an option if you are pro-grind, but if you are anti-grind, you can just sit back and watch the show.

“If women need the cloak of a Broadway show to ogle some hunks, I salute ’em.”

“Forced”. LOLforever, they were having a great time with their friends! That behavior IS their idea of fun.

It’s pure egocentrism and narcissism, “MAGA” (and anything like it, any of their brainless buzzwords they rely on) is a selfish, dumb-as-dirt whine, a convenient means for pointless entitlement and ego-stroking, which they are too dumb to understand has actually no reason and is hypocritical anyway — as was

The worst part about those piece of shit parents is they don’t have the balls to talk to their kids over this.
They know their kids looked liked total assholes on the news, but that’s the shitbags they raised to act just like that.
So they can’t confront them about bad behavior, and they can’t begin to explain to

None of these journalists and famous people were wrong to think these kids were snotty, abusive little assholes. They were wrong to promote it nationally and turn it into a big symbolic shaming of teenagers. They are also wrong if in apologizing for the second thing, they suggest that the kids weren’t wrong and were

totally agree with the parental angle. that’s what i saw too: a bunch of prick kids who were raised by maniacal trump supporters and forced to go on a pro-life march because that’s all they know. apparently no adult was around to keep these little fuckers in line. 

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

“This black man walked into our drug store and sat at the counter right next to us. We weren’t being aggressive or threatening. We’re the real victims.”

They’ve been in the spotlight for a long time. They’re considered a hate group by the SPLC and are reportedly becoming “more militant.” They aren’t protected from the spotlight (there are articles about them based on this incident) but people don’t know what to make of them. It’s like coming across the Westboro Church

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

I’ve lived in NYC for 21 years, and been harassed on the street by the Black Israelites literally hundreds of times in that period. Weirdly, I never felt the urge to do anything other than walk away. Strange how easy that is. 

A group of entitled teens goes on a mission to spread their gospel of hate. I really need to know whether they were harassed by someone before spewing hate, or they were rudely interrupted in their attempt to spew hate by a band of people singing and playing drums before I can pass judgment. 

It’s so weird that so many people independently decided that MAGA gear and Trump slogans were a great way to intimidate minorities. It couldn’t possibly that all of those people easily understood the messaging behind those things. I’ve been told that would be an unfair interpretation of the facts. So, clearly, they

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo.