
This could backfire and red america will eat it up - I’m sure many of them do perceive themselves as victims of “liberal” bullying and will love a straight pretty white girl fighting back.

Yes, the original movie would never have been made in this day and age. They literally gun down two students in once part of the movie.

Damn, he wore ill fitting suits even before he was entirely potato shaped... Money can’t buy class, INDEED!

In all honesty this was one of those movies that just didn’t need a remake.

Or Becky’s!

Yeah, count me in amongst those who just don’t get this one. For pretty much all the reasons I’ve seen everyone else post on.

Isn’t ‘Heathers’ a very pre-Columbine work anyway? Making JD the protagonist can’t really mean the same thing it did.

He was a proto MRA even in the original. But that’s maybe an antihero we don’t need right now.

That’s the exact type of project that people should remake!

Yuck. Heathers was the kind of lightning in a bottle weirdness that always sucks when people try to reboot it.

I want someone to try to remake “The Room” and actually make it into a good movie. Without rewriting or removing anything. Could it be done with the right actors/director?

lolol yeah - talk about missing the mark

“What if ‘oppressed’ people were the true bullies, huh? Makes you think!”

The odd thing is how in our supposedly more enlightened moment of time, we see the subversion of the usual repressive insider vs. rebellious outsider narrative, re-framed.

Lol all these gay villains. Thankfully theyll get whats coming to them. As of course they are the 1 percent, able to be fake and get by on execs really do get it

Like this new threesome looks like the kids you’d hang with to get the best commentary and takedowns on the rest of the school
But it doesn’t quite click they’d be the ubershits that everyone else was afraid of, and aspired to be socially?
That said, I’m not in highschool anymore, maybe this is how it is now.


I’m just so confused by this premise. I realize everyone can be bullies, but the whole point of Heathers were the Heathers were the pinnacle of the school structure. Where is this school that these people rise above all the others to be the top dogs? I just don’t see how this can work.

Why not just make a new show?!?!? STOP REMAKING GOOD THINGS!!!!!!!!!

I feel kind of weird that the POC/queer/curvy (?!) bullies are picking on a conventionally attractive white girl who teams up with a conventionally attractive white dude to kill them....

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. I hate when people remake something that does not need to be remade. The first Heather’s was very very.